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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you expect the 360 to achieve at least 40 million WW sales?

Mod Edit (Posted removed due to: Quadruple post) -Sqrl



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sorry about the triple posts guys. my bad.



40M LTD?easily...just simple math:

in 2007 x360 sold 8M pieces

in 2008 is selling at least 30% more week after we can guess around 10M x360 sold in 2008...and that would make 26M+ at the end of this year

now, tell me, what should prevent x360 to sell 14M pieces in the following 2yrs? x360 shuld just sell as in 2006-2007 to reach the 40M milestone...easy task considering the much lower price point and the much wider line-up.


I bet 45-50M at the end of 2010

2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

once again. yes...

Lets see how much Microsoft's USA price drop effects sales first... but I would guess that they will make 40m.

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It all depends on how long they plan to keep selling the 360.

Well one day as they were throwing paper balls at me, i stabbed one of the fat bullys in the eye with a pencil and used his body to manuever through the others as i pelted rocks at them one by one, soon after i threw each and every one of their bodies off a building, and put their heads on staffs, to show the world.

MK Wii friend Code 0688-5391-5318


I would tend to think its highly likely, its already sold around 3.3 million units this year and with current sales and the holidays it will probably finish the year around 25-26 million LTD for around 9 to 10 million units total on the year. Even if it declines in the following years it would still hit 40 million in some pretty pessimistic scenarios.  I think it will probably end up somewhere around the 50 million mark or so.  Which in all honesty is a tremendous feat considering their previous generation.

To Each Man, Responsibility

It'll be close, at this rate I don't think it will, but if Microsoft does something different I think it'll have a good chance

You can't help but root for the underdog, GO PS3!

End of 08' Sales

Wii:                      39.56

Xbox 360:           24.75

Playstation 3:     20.58

I'm not sure. I originally thought it would hit like 38-43 million, or depending if certain things stopped early 3 million. However, Spectrumglr's post has be agreeing with him with the 45-50 million assumption.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."