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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

lol..i have just fought 3 people with not one item dropped in any of the matches..i hosted all the matches

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But did you actually check your settings?

I don't understand. You're the one hosting. I have no control over the settings at all.

I always have items set to none so I don't have to go through and pick the ones I want whenever I do want to play with them and up until now, they've never shown up in online matches or against the CPU.

i checked my setting like 5 times...i have room ready lets fight...i have to get to be real soon. i have to work like in the morning.

--OkeyDokey-- said:

But did you actually check your settings?

I don't understand. You're hosting. I have no control over the settings.

I have items set to none all the time so I don't have to go through and pick the ones I want every time I switch it off and up until now, they've never shown up in online matches or against the CPU.



--OkeyDokey-- said:

But did you actually check your settings?

I don't understand. You're the one hosting. I have no control over the settings at all.

I always have items set to none so I don't have to go through and pick the ones I want whenever I do want to play with them and up until now, they've never shown up in online matches or against the CPU.

no matter who hosts, it will use settings from both players.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

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Item settings are always chosen randomly. Leaving items on while setting the frequency to none will still allow some characters to spawn them that aren't able to when they're all off. If someone shuts off all items, but leaves the frequency on, while his opponent has some on, but set to none. It can mix and match the two and let items spawn.

King Dedede is the prime example of this.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

congratulations on your win okey..ill change the rankings

@ okey..where do you live...our connection is worthless

Samus is annoying. I'm hopeless with Wolf, but I knew that was my only chance against her.
And it worked :)

Sorry I kept spamming the same four attacks, but there's really nothing else I could do on Frigate Orphean for fear of suiciding.

I live in Australia.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Samus is annoying. I'm hopeless with Wolf, but I knew that was my only chance against her. And it worked :) live in wander. you've moved up in the does it feel?  i'm easy going so it's no big deal about the lag, but others will refuse to play if it's that bad