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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

@ ivo...let me test my connection with you...join my game for a quick duel

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So who won?

--OkeyDokey-- said:
I didn't have items on, you did.
You were the one hosting the match, lol >_>

I dropped out so you could turn them off but you never did.


i just hosted me and brute and not one item fell...ill double check and if i did then i will give you a rematch wasn't my was set to NONE and all items turned off. If you have it just set to none that won't do it. you have to set it to none and also turn off your items on the left hand side. if you just set it to none they will scarcely drop like in our match

chriscox1121 said: wasn't my was set to NONE and all items turned off. If you have it just set to none that won't do it. you have to set it to none and also turn off your items on the left hand side. if you just set it to none they will scarcely drop like in our match

I have it set to none all the time and not a single item appears...ever o_O


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i just had a match with ivo that i hosted and not one item dropped and virtually no lag. none is not good enough. you have to have it set to all items off as well. if it doesn't then they will drop. check your options right now. if none is set and all items are off on the left hand side then i will rematch you. but be truthful

@ ivo...the end of that match was funny

If you have it set to only none, certain characters such as King Dedede can spawn them through certain attacks. Though some characters like Peach can spawn them regardless of settings.

Woo Halberd... helping the King score a win =p

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:

If you have it set to only none, certain characters such as King Dedede can spawn them through certain attacks. Though some characters like Peach can spawn them regardless of settings.

Woo Halberd... helping the King score a win =p


that was evil...what was i thinking

hey everyone im going out of town tomorrow for the 4th and wont be able to play again until sunday or monday. i'll still try to post on the site if i get a chance. im going to Houston so maybe i'll get to see TGM ftw!! lol

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815