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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

@ in a room waiting

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wow...our connection is really bad and you need to turn off items

go ahead and make the room...ill join your game

okey turn off your items...please. i won the first match

If they set it wrong, its a forfeit. Its right in the rules.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

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what is your counter stage so we don't have to keep on dying?

i won both matches...they were horrific. the lag was unbearable. but okey next time you will be forfeited if you don't turn items off.

nice matches okey, but next time you don't have to play with someone if the lag is that bad

to be honest our matches weren't fair due to the lag

I didn't have items on, you did.
You were the one hosting the match, lol.

I dropped out so you could turn them off but you never did.

And that lag was nuts. I suicided twice on the last match >_>