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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

taomaster06 said:
chriscox1121 said:
Smeags said:
So I see that Pichu is 16th and I am 18th... do we switch positions? I'm just happy to be one of the top smasher on VGC... for now. It's really cool!


that is correct

wouldn't pichu be 17 place, if boot was already below him i thought he would slip one spot?


no, he drops to 18th...if we did it the other way people can lose their positions without fighting.  only way to lose your position is if you lose

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list has been updated

I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

I didn't understand the counterpick thing, but oh well ^_^

chriscox1121 said:
@ ctk i challenge you...let me know when you are ready

I can't cause my mum is angry at me,but I'll promise I will be able on friday night :)


Around the Network
Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.


no, just pick out of the ones you have.  but if battlefied is a neutral stage you can't pick it in a counter pick

I take pichu then i guess.


ctk495 said:
chriscox1121 said:
@ ctk i challenge you...let me know when you are ready

I can't cause my mum is angry at me,but I'll promise I will be able on friday night :)



thats fine

fazz said:
I didn't understand the counterpick thing, but oh well ^_^


don't worry about the random rule for the neutral stage just pick one.  Counterpick stage is a stage you pick if you lose.  The winner has to play your pick of stage.  If you win then you have to play their pick of stage.

Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.

sooooo can i pick a neutral stage or do i have to choose one the counter picks?

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