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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

selnor said:

This is interesting reading.


The Xbox 360 processor was designed to give game developers the power that they actually need, in an easy to use form. The Cell processor has impressive streaming floating-point power that is of limited use for games.

The majority of game code is a mixture of integer, floating-point, and vector math, with lots of branches and random memory accesses. This code is best handled by a general purpose CPU with a cache, branch predictor, and vector unit.

The Cell's seven DSPs (what Sony calls SPEs) have no cache Actually they have a large fast cache comparibly much larger than the L1 on a Core 2 processor. This makes it very efficient at feeding the processing engine fast enough, no direct access to memory, no branch predictor, and a different instruction set from the PS3's main CPU. They are not designed for or efficient at general purpose computing. DSPs are not appropriate for game programming.

Xbox 360 has three general purpose CPU cores. The Cell processor has only one. True

Xbox 360's CPUs has vector processing power on each CPU core. Each Xbox 360 core has 128 vector registers per hardware thread, with a dot product instruction, and a shared 1-MB L2 cache. The Cell processor's vector processing power is mostly on the seven DSPs. Which is not a problem of the design.

Dot products are critical to games because they are used in 3D math to calculate vector lengths, projections, transformations, and more. The Xbox 360 CPU has a dot product instruction, where other CPUs such as Cell must emulate dot product using multiple instructions. Actually one of the problems of the Cell is the sheer size of code required to take advantage of its performance characteristics in the PS3 environment which is severely ram limited. I've seen a comparison between a Cell processor and a P4 with the cell requiring 20-30* the lines of code to run a simple process efficiently. It did it much faster though.

Cell's streaming floating-point work is done on its seven DSP processors. Since geometry processing is moved to the GPU, the need for streaming floating-point work and other DSP style programming in games has dropped dramatically.

Just like with the PS2's Emotion Engine, with its missing L2 cache, the Cell is designed for a type of game programming that accounts for a minor percentage of processing time.

Sony's CPU is ideal for an environment where 12.5% of the work is general-purpose computing and 87.5% of the work is DSP calculations. That sort of mix makes sense for video playback or networked waveform analysis, but not for games. In fact, when analyzing real games one finds almost the opposite distribution of general purpose computing and DSP calculation requirements. A relatively small percentage of instructions are actually floating point. Of those instructions which are floating-point, very few involve processing continuous streams of numbers. Instead they are used in tasks like AI and path-finding, which require random access to memory and frequent branches, which the DSPs are ill-suited to. Except that real time use of the Cell in the PS3 has shown this ratio to be false. There may be an element of truth though.

Based on measurements of running next generation games, only ~10-30% of the instructions executed are floating point. The remainders of the instructions are load, store, integer, branch, etc. Even fewer of the instructions executed are streaming floating point—probably ~5-10%. Cell is optimized for streaming floating-point, with 87.5% of its cores good for streaming floating-point and nothing else. Up until now most of the processors used for game design have been heavily integer biased because of the type of processors the games were required to run on. Previous coding choices are not an indication of the coding possibilities and choices on a completely different architecture.


Game programmers do not want to spread their code over eight processors, especially when seven of the processors are poorly suited for general purpose programming. Evenly distributing game code across eight processors is extremely difficult. They also don't want to spread their code over three but thats the way the wind is blowing...

Game programmers do not want to spread their code over eight processors, especially when seven of the processors are poorly suited for general purpose programming. Evenly distributing game code across eight processors is extremely difficult.


Even ignoring the bandwidth limitations the PS3's GPU is not as powerful as the Xbox 360's GPU.

Below are the specs from Sony's press release regarding the PS3's GPU.


  • 500 mhz (fixed) MHz
  • Independent vertex/pixel shaders
  • 51 billion dot products per second (total system performance)
  • 300M transistors
  • 136 "shader operations" per clock

The interesting ALU performance numbers are 51 billion dot products per second (total system performance), 300M transistors, and more than twice as powerful as the 6800 Ultra.

The 51 billions dot products per cycle were listed on a summary slide of total graphics system performance and are assumed to include the Cell processor. Sony's calculations seem to assume that the Cell can do a dot product per cycle per DSP, despite not having a dot product instruction.

However, using Sony's claim, 7 dot products per cycle * 3.2 GHz = 22.4 billion dot products per second for the CPU. That leaves 51 - 22.4 = 28.6 billion dot products per second that are left over for the GPU. That leaves 28.6 billion dot products per second / 550 MHz = 52 GPU ALU ops per clock.

It is important to note that if the RSX ALUs are similar to the GeForce 6800 ALUs then they work on vector4s, while the Xbox 360 GPU ALUs work on vector5s. The total programmable GPU floating point performance for the PS3 would be 52 ALU ops * 4 floats per op *2 (madd) * 550 MHz = 228.8 GFLOPS which is less than the Xbox 360's 48 ALU ops * 5 floats per op * 2 (madd) * 500 MHz= 240 GFLOPS.

With the number of transistors being slightly larger on the Xbox 360 GPU (330M) it's not surprising that the total programmable GFLOPs number is very close.

The PS3 does have the additional 7 DSPs on the Cell to add more floating point ops for graphics rendering, but the Xbox 360's three general purpose cores with custom D3D and dot product instructions are more customized for true graphics related calculations.

The 6800 Ultra has 16 pixel pipes, 6 vertex pipes, and runs at 400 MHz. Given the RSX's 2x better than a 6800 Ultra number and the higher frequency of the RSX, one can roughly estimate that it will have 24 pixel shading pipes and 4 vertex shading pipes (fewer vertex shading pipes since the Cell DSPs will do some vertex shading). If the PS3 GPU keeps the 6800 pixel shader pipe co-issue architecture which is hinted at in Sony's press release, this again gives it 24 pixel pipes* 2 issued per pipe + 4 vertex pipes = 52 dot products per clock in the GPU.

If the RSX follows the 6800 Ultra route, it will have 24 texture samplers, but when in use they take up an ALU slot, making the PS3 GPU in practice even less impressive. Even if it does manage to decouple texture fetching from ALU co-issue, it won't have enough bandwidth to fetch the textures anyways.

For shader operations per clock, Sony is most likely counting each pixel pipe as four ALU operations (co-issued vector+scalar) and a texture operation per pixel pipe and 4 scalar operations for each vector pipe, for a total of 24 * (4 + 1) + (4*4) = 136 operations per cycle or 136 * 500 = 68 GOps per second. Fixed

Given the Xbox 360 GPU's multithreading and balanced design, you really can't compare the two systems in terms of shading operations per clock. However, the Xbox 360's GPU can do 48 ALU operations (each can do a vector4 and scalar op per clock), 16 texture fetches, 32 control flow operations, and 16 programmable vertex fetch operations with tessellation per clock for a total of 48*2 + 16 + 32 + 16 = 160 operations per cycle or 160 * 500 = 80 GOps per second.

Overall, the automatic shader load balancing, memory export features, programmable vertex fetching, programmable triangle tesselator, full rate texture fetching in the vertex shader, and other "well beyond shader model 3.0" features of the Xbox 360 GPU should also contribute to overall rendering performance.

The PS3 has 22.4 GB/s of GDDR3 bandwidth and 25.6 GB/s of RDRAM bandwidth for a total system bandwidth of 48 GB/s.

The Xbox 360 has 22.4 GB/s of GDDR3 bandwidth and a 256 GB/s of EDRAM bandwidth for a total of 278.4 GB/s total system bandwidth. Apples to Oranges, its a different architecture so its not directly comparable.

Why does the Xbox 360 have such an extreme amount of bandwidth? Even the simplest calculations show that a large amount of bandwidth is consumed by the frame buffer. For example, with simple color rendering and Z testing at 500 MHz the frame buffer alone requires 52.8 GB/s at 8 pixels per clock. The PS3's memory bandwidth is insufficient to maintain its GPU's peak rendering speed, even without texture and vertex fetches.

The PS3 uses Z and color compression to try to compensate for the lack of memory bandwidth. The problem with Z and color compression is that the compression breaks down quickly when rendering complex next-generation 3D scenes.

HDR, alpha-blending, and anti-aliasing require even more memory bandwidth. This is why Xbox 360 has 256 GB/s bandwidth reserved just for the frame buffer. This allows the Xbox 360 GPU to do Z testing, HDR, and alpha blended color rendering with 4X MSAA at full rate and still have the entire main bus bandwidth of 22.4 GB/s left over for textures and vertices. Theres also a penalty for tiling which the author neglects to mention. The EDRAM is not big enough to store an HD frame buffer and so must tile.

When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3. Keep in mind that Sony has a track record of over promising and under delivering on technical performance. The truth is that both systems pack a lot of power for high definition games and entertainment.

However, hardware performance, while important, is only a third of the puzzle. Xbox 360 is a fusion of hardware, software and services. Without the software and services to power it, even the most powerful hardware becomes inconsequential. Xbox 360 games—by leveraging cutting-edge hardware, software, and services—will outperform the PlayStation 3. Quite possibly true, the Xbox360 has the best tools available on any system bar none.


Another bit of information sent our way is the final transistor count for Xbox 360's graphics subset. The GPU totals 332 million transistors, which is spit between the two separate dies that make up the part. The parent die is the "main" piece of the GPU, handling the large bulk of the graphics rendering, and is comprised of 232 million transistors. The daughter die contains the system's 10MB of embedded DRAM and its logic chip, which is capable of some additional 3D math. The daughter die totals an even 100 million transistors, bringing the total transistor count for the GPU to 232 million. Except that the EDRAM die has ROP units inside of it as well. Whereas for the RSX they are integrated into the main die.





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@ HappySqurriel

A videogame is an implicitly syncronized problem being that there is a clear process flow which has to be completed in order, and if you split up a process that makes up the larger process flow each of these sub-processes has to be broken up (roughly) equally in order to prevent waste.

The reason why the Amiga was so powerful for its time and later the Neo Geo as a console, was due to their far more asynchronous approach.

For example on the Amiga the sound processing was done seperately, on a PC you would hear sound stuttering when the CPU got overloaded. On an Amiga the audio stayed rock solid, Amiga emulators on a PC using a single core are still experiencing sound stuttering.

Or for example the Amiga mouse pointer is always responsive, even on a 7 Mhz machine and user input by clicking a button always results into instant feedback from the system no matter how much the workload on the CPU, etc, etc. On a PC you under high loads you will notice mouse freezing and much delayed feedback while clicking a button.

Games engines perform lots of different tasks which can be handled highly asynchronously, decompression, audio processing, decoding, etc, etc. You can predict how the performance of the SPEs will be (and add other tasks) and you have to make sure you're not overloading a single SPE with tasks, for this performance tools are available. Usually you keep some headroom throughout the game, only peaking in the most demanding (for example action packed) scenes.

The Xenon is less of a asyncrhonous design, there are lots of bottlenecks to take into account. For example its shared L2 cache can only feed one core at any given time, shared main memory which can only be accessed by GPU or CPU at any given time, etc. This means you will far more have to deal with synchronization due to bottlenecks.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Comparing the PS3 against the X360 is like comparing the X360 against the Wii. The more advanced console is far superior in every single way. PS3 nails X360. In the same way the X360 nails the Wii. Purely based on a graphical analysis.

Fishie said:
leo-j said:
FJ-Warez said:In fact killzone2 still lags behind the CGI... go and look for the pics of the CGI and you will see...



 No it doesnt, after seeing the "gameplay" in the pre rendered Killzone 2 trailer, the new killzone 2 GDC which is the same level looks much better, and sharper than the CGI.

The character models look better in the pre rendered, but everything else goes to the actual game.

Also here is MGS4:

MAJOR SPOILER: Skip to 0:45 and on, yes its all gameplay you do play in that scene with those visuals.

edit:Its SD quality, looks much better in HD.

BULLSHIT, get your eyes checked.


The CGI demo I was shown(which they claimed was all ingame) back in 2k5 ran at 1080P/60fps.

When I played the game some months ago it was 720P/30fps and had NONE of the impact the trailer had over 3 years ago.

Lower quality models, textures, animation, volumetric clouds and explosions replaced by bitmaps etcetera.


It IS impressive what they are doing with the PS3 graphically yes but to claim it surpassed the CGI fest from a few years ago, GET REAL.



That video was only ever released in SD, and screenshots were only released in 1280x720.

NJ5 said:
davygee said:
Post now fixed, see a few posts above for better Uncharted pics!!!


I saw it, and my opinion is still what I said before. Great art direction with nice colorful graphics which are quite detailed. Technically, nowhere near as impressive as everyone makes it seem like (from reading PS3's fans post you'd think Uncharted was technically far above other console games).

You'll see technically better games both on PS3 and 360 as the gen goes on.


Are we looking at the same games?

And to compare it to your shot of NG2:

Just look at the ground textures and fence in that NG shot and compare it to all the stuff on the wall in the Uncharted shot.



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leo-j said:


Nice two completely different screen shots to compare, not to mention the actual game screen shots look terrible.




Only one of those shots is CG.  The second one.

And just look how drab that second shot looks.  The CGI video may have a way, WAY higher polygon count, but the actual game has far superior lighting.

Rock_on_2008 said:
Comparing the PS3 against the X360 is like comparing the X360 against the Wii. The more advanced console is far superior in every single way. PS3 nails X360. In the same way the X360 nails the Wii. Purely based on a graphical analysis.


 Comparing a PC to a PS3 is the same comparison.

Comparing an Xbox360 to the PS3 is like comparing a Japanese Vtec to a 1980s V8. Sure one has more torque but engine size isn't the best indication on who will win a drag race.


@ selnor

I am impressed, that article is so horribly flawed in almost any sense and you know it else Halo 3 would have kicked the arse of what Killzone 2 will be.

It's clearly written by someone who knows nothing about neither system. Why quote it? It's just a compilation of fanboy misconceptions.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ everyone. Its ironic that the PS3 fanboys have to prove graphical superiority in their own eyes to win the argument whereas the Xbox360 guys only have to prove graphical parity.

@ making music, thats quite an apples/oranges comparison. Uncharted is rendered at 30fps whilst Ninja gaiden runs at 60fps. The comparison is like taking crysis and benchmarking it one an Nvidia 8800gt and then comparing it to an AMD 4850 running COD 4 at a lower resolution running COD IV at 60fps. Its apples to oranges, at least use the same genre to make a comparison with games running at a similar FPS and with similar art styles. So a Halo 3 vs Killzone 2 comparison is out because of the different lighting system used in Halo 3 and the different rendering resolutions whereas Killzone 2 vs Gears 2 is more apropriate since they both render a similar style at the same resolution and frames per second and they both use a depth of field effect to increase the detail of close in objects.

Since both games look amazing and they both haven't been released yet I think that comparison can wait, no?


@ Squilliam

Who cares, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune looks better than anything on the 360 running at 30 FPS as well.

Ratched & Clank: Tools of Destruction at 60 FPS is technically more impressive than Ninja Gaiden 2.

Claims of the 360 being on par with the PS3 technically are false, claims of the PS3 being well more powerful are correct.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales