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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox360 HD domination begins - 06/07/2008. $299 Pro is coming!

I agree with my friend DMeisterJ, Xbox360 needs not a price cut now; it needs HUGE exclusives (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Resident Evil caliber exclusives).

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routsounmanman said:
I agree with my friend DMeisterJ, Xbox360 needs not a price cut now; it needs HUGE exclusives (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Resident Evil caliber exclusives).
Metal Gear hasnt really done anything. Europe sales are back to only 20,00 more than 360. America sales of PS3 are already back to last and Japan has gone down to 25,000. All this in only the 2nd week of MGS4 being on sale. 3rd week I expect Europe to drop another 10,000 and Japan to drop to around 12,000. America? Well maybe another drop of 5,000. But as this is PS3's biggest exclusive thus far it only had an effect for 1 week. I expected more considering alot of PS3 fanboys were saying that the start of PS3 selling huge starts with MGS4. Resi 5 is multiplat and FF is next year.



NJ5 said:
quaiky said:
it will definitely bring a shortterm boost, but the real question will be how much of an longterm effect it will have.

So far, the only price cuts which didn't have a long term effect were PS3/360's in Japan. The keyword is Japan. Therefore, I think this will very likely have a long term effect.



i was not deniing that it won't have a long term effect, i am just not sure how big that effect will be.

i am not sure if expecting the ~30% that its elling better in eu now than before the pricedrop is a good comparison. sales in eu had been really low before the drop (about 30k) and now after drop and spikes of it and gta4 its at slightly better 43k. while in the us its at higher numbers allready and has also a bigger install base allready so the question will be how much scaling up is possible especially now in the slower selling summer phase.

selnor said:
routsounmanman said:
I agree with my friend DMeisterJ, Xbox360 needs not a price cut now; it needs HUGE exclusives (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Resident Evil caliber exclusives).
Metal Gear hasnt really done anything. Europe sales are back to only 20,00 more than 360. America sales of PS3 are already back to last and Japan has gone down to 25,000. All this in only the 2nd week of MGS4 being on sale. 3rd week I expect Europe to drop another 10,000 and Japan to drop to around 12,000. America? Well maybe another drop of 5,000. But as this is PS3's biggest exclusive thus far it only had an effect for 1 week. I expected more considering alot of PS3 fanboys were saying that the start of PS3 selling huge starts with MGS4. Resi 5 is multiplat and FF is next year.



PS3 shortages is the reason for the lower than expected sales. When more 80GB PS3's become available PS3 numbers will go up again.


selnor said:
routsounmanman said:
I agree with my friend DMeisterJ, Xbox360 needs not a price cut now; it needs HUGE exclusives (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Resident Evil caliber exclusives).
Metal Gear hasnt really done anything. Europe sales are back to only 20,00 more than 360. America sales of PS3 are already back to last and Japan has gone down to 25,000. All this in only the 2nd week of MGS4 being on sale. 3rd week I expect Europe to drop another 10,000 and Japan to drop to around 12,000. America? Well maybe another drop of 5,000. But as this is PS3's biggest exclusive thus far it only had an effect for 1 week. I expected more considering alot of PS3 fanboys were saying that the start of PS3 selling huge starts with MGS4. Resi 5 is multiplat and FF is next year.



Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and others are the reason the PS3 sells constantly more than the xbox360 although it costs double than the latter (and brandname too); I got a PS3 over the Xbox360 solely due to FFXIII.


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In the last generation over 75% of consoles were sold when they cost $199 or less. In my opinion, the main reason a price lower than $199 is important is that as highly anticipated games get closer to release less people are going to "delay" purchasing your system until it is more affordable; if enough time goes on, and people don't see new games which are as interesting, this delay can become permanent regardless of how many price drops a console has.

Now, I could be wrong but I suspect that in this generation the $250 price that the Wii is selling at is pushing the limit of what could be considered a mass-market price, that there are just enough people willing to stretch to buy a Wii that it can sustain the high sales we have seen. At $299 I think the XBox 360 is still too expensive and a lot of people will continue to "Delay" their purchase as highly anticipated games approach; Microsoft might be able to minimize this if they bundled the XBox 360 with a second controller and a couple of games (potentially your choice of 2 Microsoft published best-seller games).


HappySqurriel said:

In the last generation over 75% of consoles were sold when they cost $199 or less. In my opinion, the main reason a price lower than $199 is important is that as highly anticipated games get closer to release less people are going to "delay" purchasing your system until it is more affordable; if enough time goes on, and people don't see new games which are as interesting, this delay can become permanent regardless of how many price drops a console has.

Now, I could be wrong but I suspect that in this generation the $250 price that the Wii is selling at is pushing the limit of what could be considered a mass-market price, that there are just enough people willing to stretch to buy a Wii that it can sustain the high sales we have seen. At $299 I think the XBox 360 is still too expensive and a lot of people will continue to "Delay" their purchase as highly anticipated games approach; Microsoft might be able to minimize this if they bundled the XBox 360 with a second controller and a couple of games (potentially your choice of 2 Microsoft published best-seller games).



Bundle 360 with COD 4 and Gears of War. That would be the best two game bundle.

Rock_on_2008 said:
HappySqurriel said:

In the last generation over 75% of consoles were sold when they cost $199 or less. In my opinion, the main reason a price lower than $199 is important is that as highly anticipated games get closer to release less people are going to "delay" purchasing your system until it is more affordable; if enough time goes on, and people don't see new games which are as interesting, this delay can become permanent regardless of how many price drops a console has.

Now, I could be wrong but I suspect that in this generation the $250 price that the Wii is selling at is pushing the limit of what could be considered a mass-market price, that there are just enough people willing to stretch to buy a Wii that it can sustain the high sales we have seen. At $299 I think the XBox 360 is still too expensive and a lot of people will continue to "Delay" their purchase as highly anticipated games approach; Microsoft might be able to minimize this if they bundled the XBox 360 with a second controller and a couple of games (potentially your choice of 2 Microsoft published best-seller games).



Bundle 360 with COD 4 and Gears of War. That would be the best two game bundle.

Not everyone likes shooters, and "Mature" games are not appropriate for all gamers!


HappySqurriel said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
HappySqurriel said:

In the last generation over 75% of consoles were sold when they cost $199 or less. In my opinion, the main reason a price lower than $199 is important is that as highly anticipated games get closer to release less people are going to "delay" purchasing your system until it is more affordable; if enough time goes on, and people don't see new games which are as interesting, this delay can become permanent regardless of how many price drops a console has.

Now, I could be wrong but I suspect that in this generation the $250 price that the Wii is selling at is pushing the limit of what could be considered a mass-market price, that there are just enough people willing to stretch to buy a Wii that it can sustain the high sales we have seen. At $299 I think the XBox 360 is still too expensive and a lot of people will continue to "Delay" their purchase as highly anticipated games approach; Microsoft might be able to minimize this if they bundled the XBox 360 with a second controller and a couple of games (potentially your choice of 2 Microsoft published best-seller games).



Bundle 360 with COD 4 and Gears of War. That would be the best two game bundle.

Not everyone likes shooters, and "Mature" games are not appropriate for all gamers!


Offering a selection games would be a good thing.


Squilliam said:


Thats one big relief right there. Looks like if theres any pent up demand at for a lower price we'll see one hell of a spike maybe?


Great for gamers/great for Microsoft/great for developers. Win!Win!Win!

Full of win.




LOL! Microsoft making worst desicion confirmed!!


Apparently those 299 consoles are... REFURBS!




Sorry, Im usually much more reserved about this, but thats justs HILARIOUS. (If true.)

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"