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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are we tolerating console game patches?

In the past the game would have just remained broken. Games aren't any worse than they used to be.

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Bodhesatva said:

I would argue this from the other side.

The whole reason that consoles exist in the first place -- that is, the reason why consumers made them popular -- is that they are simpler and less fussy than computers. No install times. No OS updates. No hardware configurations. No patches.

Now we have install times, OS updates, and patches (hardware configurations are still largely out of the picture, although you CAN still upgrade your HD and your monitor for a PS3/360). Adding these complications goes against the primary strength of consoles against the PC.

So if we're going to have to deal with all this fuss anyway, why not just play on the PC instead?

Because the hardware you get is a better value and it's still more simple than PC games. Oh, and all those games that aren't even on PC.