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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the Wii won't be defeated by price cuts.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
You're correct, but I believe you made it in the wrong section.

Here, all you will get are people who already know it, and people who go here just to mess up.

So this thread is going to get a lot of complaints against it.

You're correct though.


 Ya, I knew it was pretty much all known but I thought it was a pretty elegant and clean way of summing up a lot of pro Wii arguments.



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leo-j said:
I always knew you were biased, this explains the rampaging attacks towards MGS4.
 Im planning on a rampaging flame war with trolls covered in octo camaflage so they can stealth troll and get away with it.

 Oh yea, check your resistance thread. I've trolled there too.

P.S I'll start this flame war when I get onto act IV. I can't start the final act without some final retribution against Sony for making the game available on the PS3.


^^ trolls covered in octo camaglage....classic lol.

no the real reason is price cut they do teh wii can do better.......its likea snake eating its own tail sure it is filling up but at what cost?