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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft will make BILLIONS from Xbox Live.

Meh, Xbox live is an overrated service; I'm giving MS £35 a year and they can't even provide me with dedicated servers? It's the fundamental reason I wont use Xbox Gold.

Hell, Warhawk had about 50 dedicated servers and the PSN is apparantly shit. Live will make MS a shit load of money as it already has done, but I don't think it'll break into the billions.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

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Bladeneo said:
Meh, Xbox live is an overrated service; I'm giving MS £35 a year and they can't even provide me with dedicated servers? It's the fundamental reason I wont use Xbox Gold.

Hell, Warhawk had about 50 dedicated servers and the PSN is apparantly shit. Live will make MS a shit load of money as it already has done, but I don't think it'll break into the billions.


 With the huge numbers of games and players, do you really think that dedicated servers would be economically viable?

CrazzyMan said:
The more popular ps3 will get, the more ps3/x360 owners will by ps3 multiplatform games and play on FREE online. =))
Soon enough, ps3 version multiplatform games in USA will outsell x360 versions. =]
PSN becoming better every day. =]



Damn I hate your avatar.

