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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predictions - (When) Will the Wii Overtake the 360 & PS3 WW?

April 09 I'd say.

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Machina, this week the Wii went from 46.7% to 46.8% with Others numbers then back to 46.7% with NA numbers then back to 46.8% with Japan numbers.

If a similar thing happen for Wii>PS360 number but the end number is with Wii < PS360 would it count

I personally think it shouldn't as the sales in all territories happen at the same time regardless of whether we see them at different time on a per territory basis so that the week's final number with all the territories in should be the one counting but this is your prediction thread so it's your decision.

Also, same question with adjustments, if it passes it one week but subsequent adjustments move it back or forward which week counts? The one it happened in "real time" or the one after adjustments? I think the real time one should be the winners with adjustments one being runner ups purely for practical reason as it would be bogus to say "oh, you guys long as there isn't an adjustment" over and over each time the week is moved until it stabilised.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


^presumably it goes by weekly basis.... so it's the first week where all hardware is added that it achieves over 50% (if it shows 50% exact on the front page we could work it out more exactly)

Regarding adjustments... I suppose it should depend on the most reliable numbers, ie those after adjustments.

April 2009 seems a safe bet.

I think all those never guys are about to be slapped in the face with irony.

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2 months maximum.


I guess u cant change ur prediction beacuse i think mine will fail pretty much.


I remember this thread.

I was too optimistic.... although a more recent thread someone made in mid November with the same idea I believe I predicted March.

Haha alright i guess it will be it this way damm talk about fail


TWRoO said:
I remember this thread.

I was too optimistic.... although a more recent thread someone made in mid November with the same idea I believe I predicted March.

To be fair December sales were downright weird... Still waiting for a decent explanation why NPD showed lower December sales than November ones.

But yeah, February is out of the question now, and March too...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957