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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD - A definition problem.

so is the xbox brand like the Ford brand?

lol, FORD


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There is no such thing as RRoD. Its all a myth.

People were just *playing their 360s to death*

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

souixan said:
Honestly it's difficult to say, the general community is fickle, very very fickle. There's very little loyalty in the gaming industry especially for whatever reason. I would say for the public at large, 360 is a done deal it's unreliable to them. Now next system release Microsoft has a chance to do away with that but I think that will be the earliest.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with most of what you said.  In the gaming industry there's actually a great deal of brand loyalty, just look at the number of Sony fans who stuck it out through 2007, or the vast legions of Nintendo fans.  Also, to the "public at large" the RRoD is a non-issue.  The vast majority of people do not follow gaming news, they simply buy what they feel will satisfy their gaming needs. 


While the new consoles may be RRoD free, I think it will take a while for the stigma to wear off because tons of people still have "at risk" consoles, myself included.


HA HA HA... "DriveBox 360" (classic, and full of inuendo)

"CEL of doom" interesting acronym, is there something subliminal going on there? CEL of Doom/CELL of Doom

Crazymann said:
HA HA HA... "DriveBox 360" (classic, and full of inuendo)

"CEL of doom" interesting acronym, is there something subliminal going on there? CEL of Doom/CELL of Doom


 Yup! :)
