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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD - A definition problem.

I know theres another thread going on but I wanted to do a spin off.

Lets say theres an unreliable car. Lets call it the Microsoft Drivebox 360. It breaks down and when it does it shows its Check engine light. So it breaks down a lot and people call the unreliability the CEL of doom. Lets say, Microsoft fixes the problems that caused the unreliability to bring the overall reliability inline with industry standards.

But cars still break down, they still show that CEL of doom! Because people attribute that sign from the machine to the unreliability of the past Microsoft cannot get rid of the stigma even though they increased reliability. Its like GM cars, they may be pretty good now, but they still have that stigma of the past.

How long must Microsoft be reliable for before people will finally feel that the issue is over?

RROD = General electrical fault.


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Honestly it's difficult to say, the general community is fickle, very very fickle. There's very little loyalty in the gaming industry especially for whatever reason. I would say for the public at large, 360 is a done deal it's unreliable to them. Now next system release Microsoft has a chance to do away with that but I think that will be the earliest.

Yep, never buy Ford cars, they are rubbish.

If I thought this way I would never have bought my 3rd PS2. It happens to new company's in a market. After August when the Jasper GPU is nect to the Falcon CPU, the failiure rate will be even less.

They will probably face the stigma generated by the first models for the life of the X360. That being said, MS's sales are higher than when the RROD was more frequent. This shows that the public is willing to look at what the XBox360 offers and less at the issues of RROD.

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Again the Xbox 360 has a poor cooling design over the GPU heatsink. The GPU in the Xbox 360 is 90nm and the GPU heatsink is as thin as a magazine. No help there cooling the GPU off.

Like I said the main culprit for the 360 getting a RRoD is mainly the GPU overheating.

Plus, Microsoft rushed the 360 to the market and as a result, poor design inside the console.

I'm happy with my console. I have the Falcon CPU. I still have the 90 GPU but my disks and the console feel so warm and not hot like the previous Xbox 360's I owned.

So no worries here, I know once I here that Microsoft is releasing the Jasper GPU (65nm) then I will trade my existing 360 in for the Jasper console.

jasper chip will eliminate the RROD problem....

ecurbj said:
Again the Xbox 360 has a poor cooling design over the GPU heatsink. The GPU in the Xbox 360 is 90nm and the GPU heatsink is as thin as a magazine. No help there cooling the GPU off.

Like I said the main culprit for the 360 getting a RRoD is mainly the GPU overheating.

Plus, Microsoft rushed the 360 to the market and as a result, poor design inside the console.

I'm happy with my console. I have the Falcon CPU. I still have the 90 GPU but my disks and the console feel so warm and not hot like the previous Xbox 360's I owned.

So no worries here, I know once I here that Microsoft is releasing the Jasper GPU (65nm) then I will trade my existing 360 in for the Jasper console.


 Actually the current design has heat pipe cooling as well. The lower ambient temps from the CPU shrink in Falcon and the GPU heatsink buff up are a pretty good combination together.

The GPU certainly also contributes to the death of the Dvd drives as well.


I find funny people make so much noise about the RROD, yet I've had two 360's die to dvd-drive issues and that's something for which MS never bothered to extend the warranty. I'm lucky where I live they are forced by law to provide at least a two year warranty since both faults happened after the first year had passed.

*crossing fingers hoping my current unit isn't croaking anytime soon*

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Squilliam said:
ecurbj said:
Again the Xbox 360 has a poor cooling design over the GPU heatsink. The GPU in the Xbox 360 is 90nm and the GPU heatsink is as thin as a magazine. No help there cooling the GPU off.

Like I said the main culprit for the 360 getting a RRoD is mainly the GPU overheating.

Plus, Microsoft rushed the 360 to the market and as a result, poor design inside the console.

I'm happy with my console. I have the Falcon CPU. I still have the 90 GPU but my disks and the console feel so warm and not hot like the previous Xbox 360's I owned.

So no worries here, I know once I here that Microsoft is releasing the Jasper GPU (65nm) then I will trade my existing 360 in for the Jasper console.


 Actually the current design has heat pipe cooling as well. The lower ambient temps from the CPU shrink in Falcon and the GPU heatsink buff up are a pretty good combination together.

The GPU certainly also contributes to the death of the Dvd drives as well.

Thanks for adding that. I feel so much better after hearing that. I totally forgot about the heatpipe. I thought they took that feature out of the new Falcon motherboard and added a brand new heatsink for the 65nm CPU.

But your right here is a pic of the added heatpipe within the Falcon motherboard Xbox 360:

See above. The heatsink on the far left is the GPU heatsink and is simply flat in width like a GameInformer magazine.

DVD drives can fail awesome considering the DVD drive houses right on top of the GPU heatsink and the heat is likely heating up the bottom of the DVD drive.