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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sweet new Wii game - MajorMinor!

fazz said:
Good thing we are not forced to buy every game that comes out.

BTW, why "right click > view image" doesn't works on Firefox 3?

It works for me... maybe you're hitting "Show Image" instead of view?



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omgwtfbbq said:
is this a game about a marching band?

made by the makers of parappa the rapper?

I think you guys may not be giving it due credit...


No, no. You see, this is the way it works here on VGChartz:

Screenshots released of gritty, realistic HD game with tons of bloom: "OMG looks amazing AAA GOTY confirmed!!!"

Screenshots released of cartoony "for-all-ages" game with lots of primary colors: "meh, probably shovelware."

I mean, jesus christ, people. At least wait for some gameplay footage before you judge a game.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



fazz said:
Bobbuffalo said:
You know this game is made by the creator of Parappa the rapper right?

You're saying that just because it's done by the creator of a Sony classic, Sony fans are gonna be more forgiving?

Don't understimate them boy!


 No. is because everybody is criticizing the art direction from somebody that has been doing it since years.

I dunno how the game will be but it is way to early to criticize a game that nobody has seen in movement.

The following text is stolen from gamefaqs and describes the game.

Major Minor's Majestic March turns the Wii Remote into a "special" baton that the bandleader, Major Minor, uses to keep tempo, recruit new band members and pick up valuable items. While marching through eight whimsical locations that contain various hair-raising events, Major Minor strives to create the most impressive parade ever. Players can add up to 15 different instruments to their dynamic procession-including brass, woodwinds, and percussion-to alter its composition and resulting performance.

This is the reason why wii sucks, if you don't like mario. Play this! Blah.

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Please, don't try to defend this game, people aren't complaing about the game having joyful colors or not having bloom lightning, they are complaining because it's obvious there hasn't been put ANY effort into making this look even somewhat nice. Graphically, the game could have been done on a PS1, and I'm not exaggerating.

looks like a ds game ewww.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Just WOW..... It seems effort is not required to make games these days. I bet this was made by interns with a budget of 5 dollars. Well majestic congrates on making us remember why 3rd party efforts are usually hated so often.

I try to be reasonable at all times, offer the same back please.

Proud owner of all next gen consoles.

"We do it for the Glory"

Why is it every time I see an overly enthusiastic thread title about a new Wii game, I expect something like this?

I'm so glad I own a Wii right now.