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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Question to PS3/360 owners about RE5 controller preference

Broncos724 said:
RE4: Wii actually had classic controller support as well as Wiimote, so I would bet that IF Sony and/or Microsoft came out with Wiimote-like controller they would support both control methods for RE5 as well.


Leetgeek said:
Yeah I would think that wii would be perfect for shooters. But I loved this game on gamecube with it's controller, would I buy a bootleg wiimote to play RE5? Nahh.


ameratsu said:
I really enjoyed playing RE4 with dual analog controls and I'm sure RE5 will be the same. If you have a problem with dual analog, wait for the inevitable port of this game to the Wii's successor and stop complaining.


All three of you... You didn't really read what I wrote, did you?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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What I'm saying is if M$ or $ony made a "Wiimote" it would be bootleg compared to Nintendos and I wouldn't buy it ya dig?

AH! Didn't see that one coming :P

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Million said:
sc94597 said:
Torillian said:
Perhaps people would be more inclined to answer if there weren't people calling their answer wrong and bitching at them for having a differing opinion. Apparently when I prefer a different controller than the Wii I have to write a 5 page essay with references before SC will give in to the idea that other people have other opinions of things.

Of course not, but at least explain why dual shock is better. I never said anybodies opinions were wrong, I just wanted to know why they game to that conclusion.



DVD is superior to VHS but out of personal preference people still use VHS , Blu-Ray is superior to DVD but people still choose to use DVD , the superiority or "betterness" of something doesn't always neccasserily mean it would be wrong to pick something inferior. If the invidual chooses VHS over DVD they have their own reasons for doing so you couldn't say they were incorrect for doing so.

This is not to say the Wii-Mote is in any way superior ( I see it more as an alternative ) but personal preference doesn't always require sufficient reason ," I prefer the dual shock i may not be exactly why but then I don't have to be" would be an adequet enough reason in my opinion.

I never said they were wrong. Torrilian just said that out of the blue. I just wanted to know why they thought it was better. People keep saying that they've played both, and prefer dual-analog, then please tell why you prefer it. I would do the same if they said they prefer wiimote and never explained why, but almost everybody who said they prefered it explained why. Most people who said they preferred dual analog didn't?


NJ5 said:

If Sony and Microsoft announced controllers with similar functionality to the Wiimote (motion sensing / IR pointing), would you rather play RE5 with the new controllers or the current ones, assuming the controls are well implemented?

Perhaps first you should say if you ever tried playing RE4:Wii.

I ask this because I can't see myself playing the game with 360's controller. After playing RE4:Wii and Metroid Prime 3, I just wouldn't enjoy it anymore.


I actually prefer the old school RE controls to even RE4 on ps2. I was never too impressed by anything the wii had to offer...even motion controls! I'm just old school like that!


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Pristine20 said:
NJ5 said:

If Sony and Microsoft announced controllers with similar functionality to the Wiimote (motion sensing / IR pointing), would you rather play RE5 with the new controllers or the current ones, assuming the controls are well implemented?

Perhaps first you should say if you ever tried playing RE4:Wii.

I ask this because I can't see myself playing the game with 360's controller. After playing RE4:Wii and Metroid Prime 3, I just wouldn't enjoy it anymore.


I actually prefer the old school RE controls to even RE4 on ps2. I was never too impressed by anything the wii had to offer...even motion controls! I'm just old school like that!


Do you still ride around on a horse? Just kidding ;)



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

Swinging the remote is for swinging the knife. Nothing which breaks immersion really, actually just the opposite.


 Except if I'm swinging the Wii-mote I break my focus on what's happening in the game.  I understand that it would feel satisfying swinging the Wii-mote killing zombies as if I was Chris, but to me that can only last so long before it becomes cumbersome (not entirely sure what the definition is, but a professor I knew used it in this context) and annoying.  Somedays I'm not as active as other days; also if I'm playing the game at night after working out I'd rather relax.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

swyggi said:
NJ5 said:

Swinging the remote is for swinging the knife. Nothing which breaks immersion really, actually just the opposite.


 Except if I'm swinging the Wii-mote I break my focus on what's happening in the game.  I understand that it would feel satisfying swinging the Wii-mote killing zombies as if I was Chris, but to me that can only last so long before it becomes cumbersome (not entirely sure what the definition is, but a professor I knew used it in this context) and annoying.  Somedays I'm not as active as other days; also if I'm playing the game at night after working out I'd rather relax.

Have you played Wii yet? You don't need to make any big movements for them to be sensed, I don't remember specifically about this game but I don't think so.

Regarding focus, believe me you wouldn't lose focus when you have an enemy near enough for the knife to be useful. You'll be too scared to lose focus ;)

In any case, the focus of my question was more towards the IR pointing than the motion sensing really. Motion sensing is rarely used in RE4:Wii.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Quite frankly I don't see why people liked RE4 controls on any console and with RE5 keeping that play style I could give a damn about it. The Wii mote worked better for RE4 but that is like saying, "what is better, a pile of crap or a pile of crap with a flower growing out of it?" they are both crap.

NJ5 said:
swyggi said:
NJ5 said:

Swinging the remote is for swinging the knife. Nothing which breaks immersion really, actually just the opposite.


 Except if I'm swinging the Wii-mote I break my focus on what's happening in the game.  I understand that it would feel satisfying swinging the Wii-mote killing zombies as if I was Chris, but to me that can only last so long before it becomes cumbersome (not entirely sure what the definition is, but a professor I knew used it in this context) and annoying.  Somedays I'm not as active as other days; also if I'm playing the game at night after working out I'd rather relax.

Have you played Wii yet? You don't need to make any big movements for them to be sensed, I don't remember specifically about this game but I don't think so.

Regarding focus, believe me you wouldn't lose focus when you have an enemy near enough for the knife to be useful. You'll be too scared to lose focus ;)

In any case, the focus of my question was more towards the IR pointing than the motion sensing really. Motion sensing is rarely used in RE4:Wii.



 I understand what you're saying.  I don't know how else I can explain my preference other than I just want to play the game and be relaxed, the analog controls are just easier for me to use at a faster level. 

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*