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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How is XBL better than PSN?

kowenicki said:
Dno said:
lol sad that people dont no.
I have both and besides content they are equal. with 2.40 xmb will be better because its free and by then the services will be equal.

If you want to rent movies XBL is better..... but if you want to save money and GAME online... PSN is better.

XBL does get content faster but thats only because its been out for so long.

Basicly they both do the same shit just one is free....

P.S. (I cant live without either so i have both)

why would you say online gaming is better on psn?


servers are faster, and its free.. thats most important to me.... its free.

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@ Profcrab

think the included headset with the 360, and ease of setup and use, has contributed a lot to the 360's rep as the best online console. I expect Sony will include a headset with the next console. It's a good strategy.

I don't think so, I already have a good Bluetooth headset I can use with my phone as well. It may help to get more people talking, but IMO that's not always so great.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Microsoft offers an excellent API for developers to use to utilize all of the key features of Live. This in and of itself makes the online play more consistent across all games. I love voice chatting, friends lists, achievements, downloadable content, arcade, xna, and much much more. I have logged on countless hours with my friends on many games and can say that it is a near flawless experience.

Username2324 said:
ssj12 said:
Profcrab said:
leo-j said:
reptile168 said:
PSN started a subscription fee for Qore stuffs like demos and videos, which are available for free on Xbox live. Xbox Live charges you for multiplayer. So, it's your choice to decide whether Multiplayer fees or Demo/video fees are more ripping you off.

On top of the mentioned Xbox live and PSN stuffs, I believe the XBox Live Graphical interface is much more friendly than the PSN. Media Center for streaming contents from PC is really simple too.

I'm not sure whether the following option is xbox live exclusive, but Live has full parental controls.


 No thats complete bull $hit.

QORE does not charge you for vidoes or demos.. its like paying for a magazine.

And no demos are not FREE if you want them immediately on XBOX LIVE.


Qore isn't like paying for a magazine, it is like playing for Sony's marketing.  Magazine's provide some of their own content and are supposed to be a impartial (although it doesn't seem to always work out that way) 3rd party for news and reviews.  1st party news, previews, and reviews are marketing.  Demos are also marketing.  I think it's hilarious that some people will pay to view marketing materials that are normally free.

I give that post a 9.3.

Qore is exactly like paying for a magazine. The PSN has not changed at all and will feature it's own content FREE.

I;m not going to argue about Qore as I'm in class but frankly you need to wake the freak up and smell the coffee if you dont realize it is a virtual magazine.


Obviously you haven't tried it yet.

That's the one big problem with people, they like to talk about stuff they have never tried or seen.



I bought the full year subscription..

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mysticD said:

Well you know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

If XBL is not better why do you think Sony is copy all the bullet points for PSN.

They are copy Gamercards, Gamerscore, achievements. They are doing in game XMB (XBL dash), in game soundtrack and in game chat. They are also going to copy community feature like cross game invite, may be friend list ?

But anyway, all these features are available already on XBL not to mention mountain of contents. All the arcade game demo, free movies (mostly crappy), rental movies, free demo, not to mention trailers ...

As for XBL being more laggy, I don't know what you guys pulling that bull-crap from. I play GT5P and it's no better than racing game on 360. The on-line feature of GT5P is pretty weak, bumper car mayhem not to mention the lack of invite and match up so you end up playing with random jerck that going backward on the track. I don't have COD4 on PS3 but on 360 it play just fine.


Just because you don't care about the features dosn't mean it's not a feature.  You are a fricking mod for crying out loud stop acting like a troll.

Blu-ray is a great feature on PS3 and I used it all the time.  Some might not care for it but it still is a great feature.  Would you have remove that as "feature" because some might said they don't like watching movie on a "gaming" system.

Please grow up and act like a mod if you are going to be one.

you = tard thank you.

I just questioned the need for those features. Really does very many people really need them? Not all games need to feature in-game chat. And why not support an IM program that everyone uses like AIM?

Quit being a TARD when I standed my OPINION and asked why anyone cared about about those features. If your going to call me out on bais of any kind do it on grounds of me saying PC > Consoles always not an opinion. Grow up or LEAVE THE FORUMS.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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I think the big thing going forward that will set XBL and PSN apart is MMO's. Next year Microsoft has about 4 MMO's planned to be released all of which do not require a subscription fee that PC Gamers have to pay.

1. City of Hero's (I think it might be this year)
2. Huxley (MMOFPS)
3. Age Of Conan
4. APB
5. Champions Online

I am certain that a key factor moving forward will involve MMO's and other items to be unveilded at E3. Either that or I expect MS to drop charging for live as Sony finally gets its service up and running.

@ thekitchensink

3. Really? Where'd you hear that?

I just rechecked some Beyond3D talk, the 360 only has 16 MB of flash memory for the firmware. (second source: Anandtech)

It was the PSP which has 32 MB flash memory for the firmware OS.

The PS3 however has 256 megabytes of flash memory, using two 128MB flash chips (K9F1G08U0A).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
@ Profcrab

think the included headset with the 360, and ease of setup and use, has contributed a lot to the 360's rep as the best online console. I expect Sony will include a headset with the next console. It's a good strategy.

I don't think so, I already have a good Bluetooth headset I can use with my phone as well. It may help to get more people talking, but IMO that's not always so great.


The problem with the Bluetooth setup, especially if you are using your headset to pull double duty as your phone headset and PS3 headset is battery capacity.  I sometimes like to play games for several hours.  If I'm using my bluetooth headset for my phone, it won't last very long in an online game if even one or two people are talking constantly.  This makes that solution not viable.  That isn't to say there aren't other options for the PS3 (USB wired or wireless),  but none of them are included with it so many people don't use them.  Having a headset dedicated to the system with a decent battery life and is included with the console makes for a talkative community.

As for the classic tired comment about how it is not always great to have people talking, that is why they include the mute feature and friends lists.  I've never found it too difficult to just mute people.

I give that post a 9.3.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.


Sorry meant to quote the guy before you.

Profcrab said:
MikeB said:
@ Profcrab

think the included headset with the 360, and ease of setup and use, has contributed a lot to the 360's rep as the best online console. I expect Sony will include a headset with the next console. It's a good strategy.

I don't think so, I already have a good Bluetooth headset I can use with my phone as well. It may help to get more people talking, but IMO that's not always so great.


The problem with the Bluetooth setup, especially if you are using your headset to pull double duty as your phone headset and PS3 headset is battery capacity. I sometimes like to play games for several hours. If I'm using my bluetooth headset for my phone, it won't last very long in an online game if even one or two people are talking constantly. This makes that solution not viable. That isn't to say there aren't other options for the PS3 (USB wired or wireless), but none of them are included with it so many people don't use them. Having a headset dedicated to the system with a decent battery life and is included with the console makes for a talkative community.

As for the classic tired comment about how it is not always great to have people talking, that is why they include the mute feature and friends lists. I've never found it too difficult to just mute people.

I give that post a 9.3.


Some Blue-Tooth headsets support a respectable battery life of up to 16 hours talking, that's quite long. Personally I have a mini-USB (and a normal USB) cable extension from my PC on the to of my desk. The mini-USB port I use to recharge PS3 controllers, recharge my BlueTooth headset and to connect my photocamera or MP3 player. For me it's not much of an issue. The normal USB port I usually use for flash drives, but if I would need another mini-USB port I'll just get the PS3 extension cable from the desk drawer.

After several hours of gaming, the headset probably still has something like 10 hours of battery life left. You could easily connect it to the PC to recharge.

I'm however not using the headset all of the time with my phone, just when being on the road. The battery of my phone runs out quicker with Bluetooth enabled, a phone without battery charge is worse than a headset running out of battery charge.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales