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Forums - General Discussion - Bodhesatva's thread of love

Funny how not a single girl has posted here :D

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Girls fear commitment.

fazz said:
Funny how not a single girl has posted here :D


That's okay I'm used to it. Haha get it? Girls don't like me. It's a joke.

But seriously I'm desperately lonely">">

I love bod because thanks to his toys ur us thread I am here with you all.Anyways does anyone here loves me ?

Ps:I've always wanted to post this video

Bod your way too cool of a guy to be lonely.

I remember when you helped me out back in the day. YOU MY BOOOOOOY!!!!

I just havnt heard from you in ages. It's ok if you dont love me anymore.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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iclim4 said:

Manly tears were shed.

I love you guys/gals too. ^_^


But we don't sorry :p

weezy said:
Bod your way too cool of a guy to be lonely.

I remember when you helped me out back in the day. YOU MY BOOOOOOY!!!!

I just havnt heard from you in ages. It's ok if you dont love me anymore.



Actually, I've had a devoted girlfriend for over a year now. That would be me being completely serious. Also seriously, I have struggled with anxiety all my life and I do have tendencies toward antisocial behavior.">">

No love for ctk :( ?

Bod, like I said, your way too cool and plus you got a super sexy voice. :) :) :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ctk495 said:
No love for ctk :( ?


<3 <3">">