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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If one Nintendo franchise HAD to end...

why the DK hate ='C

anyway i would go with warioware

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

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It would be a sad day for gaming.

I can't believe no-one named this but I wouldn't give a Rat's ass if Kirby died, got smashed into oblivion and then fried and eaten by some Martian.


There are plenty of Nintendo series I personally wouldn't mind ending:

Pokemon (since it seems they are never going to evolve the formula)
Mario Party
All Mario sports games
Princess Peach platformers
Yoshi platformers
Kirby platformers (the exception is power paintbrush, which was quite good)
Animal crossing (I don't care for it and never have)
Mario & Luigi RPGs (really poor quality in general, in my opinion)
Donkey Kong (Country was the only good game and that was years ago)

I declare Jihad on all you participants of this thread for this blasphemious topic.

This message was brought to you by your local Nintendo fan and Muslim = your Ninslim

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

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tuoyo said:
decels said:
Of the really big ones I'd have to go with Mario Kart... Mario Kart Wii is atroscius, one of the least saddisfying games I have ever played... no fun at all, you win more based on luck rather than skill, the computer cheats tremendusly and the power ups are completely umbalendced, the only way they can save it is if they go to the old style, because the courses are good and the driving feels right... but the weapons just kills it off... Just keep, bananas, green and red shells (though they should make the red ones avoidable in some way), mushrooms, and bombs... maybe the star because it isn't game breaking... and what they should do is that the last drivers have MORE chance of getting the good weapons... in the sense that even the guy in first place should have a chance to get a star or a a golden mushroom... just less of a chance... But knowing nintendo they will never do so... and they will never kill Mario Kart since it sells so well

I think it involves much less luck than you think and when you get very good at the game you will realise that.  The fact that you are still concerned about computer characters shows you are not very good.  If I were to play 150cc against computer I would win like 19 out of every 20 races and I don't think I could be that lucky (otherwise I would have won the lottery). 

In fact take out the blue shell and the fake item box and I would go as far as saying it barely involves any luck at all.  Blue shell for obvious reason that you could lead the whole [(Luigi Circuit] race  and then have a blue shell on last lap, followed by a few red shells and just as you are recovering hit by someone with a star.  Fake item box cause there have been a few races recently where I have managed to get an item in 1st place and if it was a banana I would won the race by protecting myself with it but instead I get a fake item box and the person behind me fires me with a red shell and there goes my victory.  


Look I'll admit I completely suck at Mario Kart at least this latest one, It's obvious that there are going to be people like you that can beat any circuit on 150 cc eyes closed... that still doesn't mean the computer doesn't cheat... It would be like saying that beating "The Perfect Drug" on expert with drums is not as hard as you think just because I beat it (stupid example i know but that seems to be your reasoning)... 

And again on the luck... It's obvious that there are some people that become so good that even the unbalanced weapons will not hurt them so much because you get so damn good at the game... but this is a small majority of people... 9 out of 10 people are not going to be as good as you guys... and remembering myself having a good time with Mario Kart 64 and being quite decent at it years ago... getting my ass kicked by someone that has been playing it for the first time... or myself beating a highly better player than me just because i had the right weapons completly ruins the game... at least for me... Probably if I played this game more I could actually appreciate it more and get more skilled at it... but I cannot play more than 1 hour without me just turning off the wii... There are so many more quality games and racers out there that really make this game a waste of my time and of my money...



Personally... Pokemon! For cripes sake how many more of those can you find?! I remember the good ole days when there was 150(1), and then magically, there are over 300 and another continent. But wait! You have the same mission and same game to play to collect these new and the old little monsters. You know what I say, Red get a job!

That is all. The rest are pretty much new every installment, even the mediocre titles like Chibi-Robo and Custom Robo are still pretty damn good.

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Mario. Keeps putting us non-Nintendo guys to shame.

If you don't like one of Nintendo franchise, you can always not buy games from that franchise. It's not like they put their best teams on Mario spinnoffs, they usually make a 3rd party to them.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Pokemon. how many Pokemon could there be? It began with 151, then 251. After that, you keep adding more and more with any new version. If this goes on, how can the typical player catch them all? We'll be looking at 10000 Pokemon soon if this goes on!

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