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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo 3 kill count exceeds population of earth

I'm guessing there are more deads in other games than this one.... like long running popular choices (counterstrike?) or games where you just kill zillions of.... zergs? (starcraft... 10 years non stop).
Worst though are shoot them ups where you kill 400 ennemies a minute....


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I account for close to 10000 of those kills.

COD4 does have a possibility of having more, there are some stupid fucking infinite respawns in that game.


Just in case everyone is not on the same page, the Halo 3 number is just in regards to enemies killed during campaign play.

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I'm listening to Disturbed new CD. And for some wierd reason all thier songs is in beat of Shameless's sig. lol

PSN: OJ_juice

If anyone wants a custom sig, I'll make one for you. Just message me. I'm a pro.

That's 851.6 kills per game owner.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

i account for nearly 5000 of those kills. Damn i thought it would be more.

I just checked and I accounted for ~1700 of the kills.

imagine how many counter-strike has by now.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X