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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I get the PS3 or a 360?

Words Of Wisdom said:

You've been on these forums long enough to have 1,000+ posts.

If you don't already know more than enough about both consoles to make an informed decision then nothing we say can possibly help you.

I can't help but wonder if this is flamebait for a console fight...


Anywho, make a list of the games you want for each console. Go with the one that has more.


I agree, but if this is legit...


-The PS3 is definatly more reliable than the 360 when it comes to failure rate, but the failure rate is much lower than at launch so this is rare but still possible.

-The PS3 will make "HD" games look much better on an HD TV(I've owned both consoles and have played them on the same 1080p TV).

-360 has a slightly better online experiance but it comes with a fee(its only 5$ a month so if your okay on cash it isnt an issue); PS3 is free and only slightly worse than XBL.

-Game wise 360 is stronger but if non of the future lineup's change this will change in sooner than a year in PS3's favor.

-Controllers are slightly different; in another thead I saw you said you owned a PS2... If you are comfortable with that controller than there is no reason to change.

-(I can't say this is a +) There is alot more socializtion on XBL(which inturn comes with cracky voiced 13year olds), Inturn I've noticed less kids on PSn via voice but people don't tend to talk as much.

-Price 360 wins, PS3 is 100$ more depdning on what model you buy.


In the end I'd make the choice based on upcoming/current games and if you are looking into an HD movie player or not. Both consoles are the same on graphics, online reliablity, sound and most other common features you can think of.

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I think I am pretty unbiased. For sports I think 360 has marginally better, but it is down to the controller- whichever one you like better.

FPS 360 is the way to go, though PS3 has a couple good ones- resistance and CoD4 are both really good. Platformers each console is trying to have a good flagship

Platformer, and SMG on Wii is by far the best. Rachet and Clank on PS3 is also good, but has shooter elements. Banjo Kazooie on 360 isn't out yet but should be somewhere between ok to phenomenal (I bet it will be very good)

RPGS for console 360 is hands down the best this gen, though PS3 is getting FF13 and may get a few more, and if the tide turns there is a chance Wii will end up the winner in RPGS. 360 is the best now though, and more are coming, such as Star Ocean 4 and Tales of Vesperia. With Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls, 360 is the Western RPG champ. (PS3 also has elder scrolls)
If you are looking for SRPG, PS3 is a better choice though. A few good SRPGs are coming out this fall for PS3 (one is Disgaea 3)

Overall 360 is the best choice, but PS3 isn't bad, and Wii is a bit of a gamble, but should be sufficient and could possibly be the best choice in retrospect. I recommend Xbox 360.

Never ask such a question in these forums!

But i will comment too.

FPS - Xbox360 by far!

Sport - same both consoles have the same sportgames.

RPG - Xbox360 has lots of RPGs and timed exclusive RPGs are coming. But PS3 will have FFXIII. Thats about it.

Maybe check the exclusives you are interested in. Gears of War2, Resistance, MGS4, next Splinter Cell, Fable2, Alan Wake, Gran Turismo, Forza / PGR etc.

This thread will be fun to read.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

bigjon said:
GT5 is very tempting for me. The main reason I am considering a 360 is the lower price. Also even though I don't want Blu- ray right now, I may in the future. I am also in FF13, but I am not convinced MS did not buy off the rights for that...

You've answered your own question here and it looks like you want a PS3. 360 is cheaper. But not after you pay for a year of Xbox live which charges $50 per year. Do you think you might want to be doing some online gaming? It's free on PS3. The Bluray is not a big deal unless you have an HD TV then yes it looks hella better then DVD (yes even better then upscaled DVD).  You can rent Bluray movies on Netflix for no extra charge. I hear Halo 3 is good, but Cod4 is better. Thats on PS3. Bioshock is amazing, that's comming to PS3 this year.   

GTA5 and FF13 will not be on 360.


Oh and MGS4 is one of the best games of all time. Enjoy.


Seems like you want PS3 games, but unreleased ones. If you're not interested in the current games, you might as well wait to buy it (maybe at a cheaper price).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Leetgeek said:
bigjon said:
GT5 is very tempting for me. The main reason I am considering a 360 is the lower price. Also even though I don't want Blu- ray right now, I may in the future. I am also in FF13, but I am not convinced MS did not buy off the rights for that...

You've answered your own question here and it looks like you want a PS3. 360 is cheaper. But not after you pay for a year of Xbox live which charges $50 per year. Do you think you might want to be doing some online gaming? It's free on PS3. The Bluray is not a big deal unless you have an HD TV then yes it looks hella better then DVD (yes even better then upscaled DVD).  You can rent Bluray movies on Netflix for no extra charge. I hear Halo 3 is good, but Cod4 is better. Thats on PS3. Bioshock is amazing, that's comming to PS3 this year.   

GTA5 and FF13 will not be on 360.


Oh and MGS4 is one of the best games of all time. Enjoy.


LOL. You crack me up man...

I'll never understand why people have a hardcore console bias like this.

Hawkeye said:
I think I am pretty unbiased. For sports I think 360 has marginally better, but it is down to the controller- whichever one you like better.

FPS 360 is the way to go, though PS3 has a couple good ones- resistance and CoD4 are both really good. Platformers each console is trying to have a good flagship

Platformer, and SMG on Wii is by far the best. Rachet and Clank on PS3 is also good, but has shooter elements. Banjo Kazooie on 360 isn't out yet but should be somewhere between ok to phenomenal (I bet it will be very good)

RPGS for console 360 is hands down the best this gen, though PS3 is getting FF13 and may get a few more, and if the tide turns there is a chance Wii will end up the winner in RPGS. 360 is the best now though, and more are coming, such as Star Ocean 4 and Tales of Vesperia. With Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls, 360 is the Western RPG champ. (PS3 also has elder scrolls)
If you are looking for SRPG, PS3 is a better choice though. A few good SRPGs are coming out this fall for PS3 (one is Disgaea 3)

Overall 360 is the best choice, but PS3 isn't bad, and Wii is a bit of a gamble, but should be sufficient and could possibly be the best choice in retrospect. I recommend Xbox 360.

360 does not have THAT MANY GOOD SHOOTERS: Bioshock (coming to PS3), Gears, Halo 3(this game is pretty decent) Gears is the best shooter on 360. Ratchet and Clank and Banjo might be on the same level, but you forgot to mention that Little Big Planet will be king. Also, PS3 has DKΣ3713, which will own

The 360 does have better online though, but you have to pay, but its worth it. Overall, if you are looking for current and upcoming games...with great online, PS3 is your best choice

PS. PSN is not the worst online play, WiiWare




Honestly it sounds like you would enjoy a 360 more. A ton of RPGs are coming out/are out for the system and it does sports games very well. Platformers and FPSs are about even from what I can see. Both have amazing games in the latter, and only a few potentially good projects on the horizon for the former. The best way is what has already been said though. Look at all the games for both platforms you want and then decide.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

disolitude said:
Leetgeek said:
bigjon said:
GT5 is very tempting for me. The main reason I am considering a 360 is the lower price. Also even though I don't want Blu- ray right now, I may in the future. I am also in FF13, but I am not convinced MS did not buy off the rights for that...

You've answered your own question here and it looks like you want a PS3. 360 is cheaper. But not after you pay for a year of Xbox live which charges $50 per year. Do you think you might want to be doing some online gaming? It's free on PS3. The Bluray is not a big deal unless you have an HD TV then yes it looks hella better then DVD (yes even better then upscaled DVD). You can rent Bluray movies on Netflix for no extra charge. I hear Halo 3 is good, but Cod4 is better. Thats on PS3. Bioshock is amazing, that's comming to PS3 this year.

GTA5 and FF13 will not be on 360.


Oh and MGS4 is one of the best games of all time. Enjoy.


LOL. You crack me up man...

I'll never understand why people have a hardcore console bias like this.

I made a typo and said GTA5 would not be on 360 and obviously I mean GT5. Besides that tell me one thing I stated that wasnt a fact. Hmmm Alucard?


bigjon said:

Have some cash as of now, and was wondering what you guys would all suggest. I would like to see some of the pro and cons of owning each. Also, it would be usefull if one of you who own both could tell me which you prefer and why.

I like RPGs, Sports, Platform, Some FPSs(like COD or Goldeneye)


RPG= 360 at the moment and this year.

Sports= Well both platforms and if you like MLB the show then PS3.

Platform= PS3

FPS= Easly PS3 with two huge exclusive games coming in near future, R2 and Killzone 2 while rest of the FPS are multi-platform.