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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I get the PS3 or a 360?

At the end of the day PS3 or 360. The decision is yours to make. Do not let people on the gaming forums influence your decisions. Research the games available that you like on both systems.

The console with the most games available that you want  buy that one.

Cheapest price chose X360. Blu-Ray and multimedia centre chose PS3.

MGS 4, Uncharted, GT 5 Prologue, etc. chose PS3. Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect, etc chose X360.

Either way, you have an excellent HD console.

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I had an Xbox360 for about a month with GoW, PGR3 and Blue Dragon (I'm an RPG fanatic) and I found it to be an amazing console.

I afterwards sold it to get a PS3 just for FFXIII which I reckon to be a big mistake as it seems it will dissapoint me. I really enjoyed MGS4 though (one of the best games I've ever played).

My opinion is : Get an Xbox360 unless you have a game that is a PS3 exclusive that you cannot live without. It's cheaper and shares the 90% of the games PS3 has.

right now it's a no brainer If you are going to have one it's a 360. If you are going to have two then get a PS3.