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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will the MGS4 week two drop be the biggest in history?

I agree with DMeisterJ, most 360 fanboys are using the drop from MGS4 to troll the threads.

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Lets wait for the final numbers, but i think american hardware sales will stay above average for awile since the 80gig bundle is still in high demand........................NOTE: the wii and 360 fanboys are coming out the woodworks today, jumping on the ps3 as soon as they get a chance....sad.

Seems that the 360 fanboys are forgotting the "FANTASTIC" sales of their exclusive Ninga Gaiden II. Jezz, can't you be in your own world, and leave the PS3 threads alone.

This is flame bait at its finest. Metal Gear Solid 4 sold to 1/4th of the ENTIRE console base in Japan. You can gloat till your blue in the face, but there is really nothing that astounding about its drop-off.  The game is sold on a console that is 150% more expensive than its #1 competitor.

The game will have legs as soon as more hardware is pushed / moved. Not everyone out there buys a game when it is first released. If Final Fantasy XIII comes out this year, I predict this game will sell 4 million worldwide. With Japan going into the 750k sell range.

These dramatic and flamboyant comments from fanboys are irritating.  Metal Gear Solid is NOT a game for the casual audience.  It is not a Smash Brothers, it is not a Wii Fit, it is not a Halo.  The closest thing to compare it to is Gears of War.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

well i dont know about that it has to go aganist smash which hit a 90%...and like it if it gets that number then it is confirmed that the game is doomed and a fail to teh epic level...../


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Should be the largest drop bc it is hardcore game which those ppl buy it in first week i should know im one of them also the install base for Ps3 is the smallest therefore yeah it should be historical or very close in its drop off IMO.

"Like you know"

PAL will not have a "huge" drop. I mean I expect at least a 50-60% drop there. It is basically its first week in the Netherlands, and it is in Spain.

I am gonna say final sales will be-

180k in Others
110k in US
60k in Japan

350k second week... huge drop. But still good sales.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Speaking of Japan how did Halo sell in Japan? Gears?

Leetgeek said:
Speaking of Japan how did Halo sell in Japan? Gears?


Precisely.  Metal Gear may not sell as well Gears or Halo in North America but it has international appeal to a strong enough fan base.  This will help it achieve excellent sales numbers in the hardcore HD gaming market.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

MGS4 is going to drop like a sack of potatoes.