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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

Sex is a part of the human experience.

Art deals with the human experience and, to be as effective as possible, should have no pre-determined limits as to what content it explores.

In so far as video games are art, or have the potential to become art, they should be allowed to explore sexuality. This exploration, and other kinds, might be best if incorporating sexually explicit content.

Moreover, there's no good reason for video games *not* to have some sexually explicit content.

To protect children? Might be valid if video games were only for children. And, besides, the idea that learning about sex is bad for children seems to me to be the product of a distinctly religious point of view that might not be generally true.

Also I tend to support freedom of expression.

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HappySqurriel said:

Personally, I find (roughly) 99% of sexually explicit content to be completely unnecessary in most movies; and in most cases it is just a crutch that is used to make a poorly written/acted/directed movie seem edgier (see David Cronenberg). I would much rather that videogames focus on what movies have abandoned like plot and character development, than have them start including sexually explicit content.


I find that most violence in movies/video games is completely unnecessary and crutch used to cover up poor acting/writing/directing/etc.

The unfortunate thing is this same crutch would eventually be used to make continually worse story driven video games.

I don't see why extreme gore can be permitted but a sex scene in a game makes a huge debate and people cry for the children.

Sex is just as bad as violence if it's not explained correctly to kids. They can see it their own way and make of it a false reality. It's up to parents to do their job and talk about it.

Though in my personal opinion those kind of games should be reserved to older people, depending on the contents, not necessarily only adults. I wouldn't want my (young) kid to play a game containing much gore or sex but if he/she comes and sees it, to explain it would be a better choice than to cover the reality with candy coated lies.

leo-j said:
For gods sake there are kids in this freaking forum

On topic:

Yea it would be cool if some games had some sexual content.


Your much smarter than you play to be aren't you.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Yeah really, MGS4 would have been a lot more fun with a few Hentai cut scenes !
I know you all wondered how Naomi looked beneath that lab outfit of hers !!!

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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There was a pretty damn good video on this topic that Kotaku posted about not too long ago...

(Edit: Kotaku link wasnt working, this one should) 

The guy uses a "Zero Punctuation inspired" format to get his point across. In the end, its both a very entertaining and very well informed opinion. The crux of his argument is basically that video games are a young artform and need more time to develop mature and complex sexual themes. Once it becomes a more respected (by mainstream society) artform, this change should come naturally. Not only will society start accepting more sexual content in games (as in TV and Movies), but also games themselves will develop a more sophisticated take on the topic. What this boils down to is essentially less gratutitous and unnecessary cleavage (Tomb Raider), and more tasteful and intricate story/gameplay that involves sex (Mass Effect).

Crap. video is down. I'll look for another link to it...

All for sex in games but it would be a lot better if the game was obviously themed around sex like leisure suit larry, but when its a normal shooter or other standard genre parents wont think that the rating is for sex related issues, so children may be exposed.

This one works... feel free to imbed.

polezo said:
Crap. video is down. I'll look for another link to it...


Do you mean this one? *edit* apparently so*


I agree with the guy who made this and it bothers me about this prospective that games are soley for children. There are legitimate concerns, but for something like Mass Effect to be so blown out of proportion is just absurd.



I don't mind sexual stuff in games. It can be a little problem depending on if anybody is watching me play (a parent or older family member walking by when running through the strip clubs in GTAIV is a no no). Also, I think it gets a little annoying when it's appraently a requirement in many games for women to have gigantic breasts with a ton of bouncing physics to them.