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Forums - General Discussion - Youtube Poop

Nintendo Fan Girl said:

You got me. Damn.


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antfromtashkent said:
The MGAwesome is frigging brilliant lol

The best part is---> Snake: PISS ALL OVER ME
                               Otacon: Okay.......

And snakes smile made me laugh so hard.


PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Added Grab Life by The Toasters 10

The reason I seem to have gone backwards is that I did some renaming.

Quest for the Spaghetti 1 -> Grab Life by The Toasters 8
Grab Life by The Toasters 8 -> Grab Life by The Toasters 9
Grab Life by The Toasters 9 -> Excuse Me, Princess 1
Grab Life by The Toasters 10 -> Excuse Me, Princess 2
Grab Life by The Toasters 11 -> Excuse Me, Princess 3

This was to ensure the series names made sense. Grab Life by The Toasters is alternating Mario and Zelda Cd-i games, and random Pokemon episodes; Excuse Me, Princess is the Zelda Cartoon; Ash Goes On Holiday is all of series 2 of Pokemon in order; and Ultimate Poop is indeed ultimate.

Ash Goes On Holiday 7 is up.

Uploaded my best video yet, partly done in Flash: Morshu is an Intel Fanboy. See top and tell me what you think.