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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The sales of the 360 are going up in Japan.

Last year in november you could find the 360 in the top 100 of best selling items (games category)

It was with the launch of ace combat 6 that they released a new bundle and outsold the PS3 for one week.
Now they aren't releasing a new bundle and the price hasn't dropped so I think it has to be because of the new releases. Gundam mobile operation troy and Battlefield bad company.

Sales aren't going to be +10k but they going to +4/5k I think maybe 6/7 with the launch of those two games.



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It isn't something ground breaking... like 77k PS3 in the week of MGS4.
But it is something.


Doubt it.Wasn't LO its biggest game.I don't think 360 sales broke 10k during its release.

the X360 barely sells 2000 consoles a week in japan. X360 is dead in Japan. 600 000 consoles sold in Japan over 31 months is a joke.

What top 100 are you talking about?

From your mention of "best selling items (games category)" I have the feeling that we're going to see some baby seals in this thread.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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The 360 would never sell more than 4000 consoles in a week in Japan unless its Xmas sales where 10000 360's a week is possible.

Look I have been following the bestsellers (games) for 2 years now. Some things have some kind of patern.

Games open high drop pretty fast on the list.
If the 360 sells less than 2k the console isn't on the list.
In the list = >2k, top 10 of the list = >6/7k.


The Xbox 360 in Japan is outselling the Wii in Australia

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:

The Xbox 360 in Japan is outselling the Wii in Australia

Not really...

Maybe you meant New Zealand?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
starcraft said:

The Xbox 360 in Japan is outselling the Wii in Australia

Not really...

Maybe you meant New Zealand?



 Leave me out of it! Im not the whole Wii market in New Zealand you know?

New Zealanders have no taste, they buy PS3's in huge quantities when they cost relatively much more than the Xbox360.

Watch the film "Black sheep" and you'll understand.
