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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gears Of War 2 or Resistance 2 and why?

Just a discussion on what you think about Gears 2 and Resistance 2 and which one will be better.

RROD killed my 360

Converted to PS3


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O god not another!

Former something....

We don't know much about either games and their releases are quite far off... So, it isn't going to be a thoughtful comparison, rather bias and predetermined preferences.

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

 Wii: 80-85 Million end of 2009 (1.1.09)

Gears 2 and b/c better graphics and R2 doesn't looks so good so far in the videos

Gear's visuals are amazing..but i would go with Rfom2 storywise(in my taste/ and online. Rfom's online is jaw dropping :D

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For me it's Gears 2 because i own a 360.

I love the multiplayer and i'm intrigued with where the story is going, Gears 1 did just enough but there are so many questions that need answering.

I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! *jumps out of window*

Seriously now, from an objective point of view, Gears was a better game than Resistance, but you have to keep in mind that Resistance was a launch title and Insomniac's First shooter. (unless you count Disruptor when the studio had two people in it back in 92') They said their greatest achievement with Resistance was the fact the it made it to shelves.
Now that Insomniac has a good amount of time to polish and add visual effects, the game should not only play great, but look great. As far as the gameplay goes, it has changed immensely from what I have observed and the game will still have really crazy weapons. I'll give you the links to it.
Single player-

Resistance will also have the following features
- 60 player squad based multiplayer
- 8 player online co-op with its own campaign
- A single player campaign
- Split screen co-op for the single player campaign

I really don't know much about Gears other that the fact that it looks stunning and they've added some new gameplay elements such as chainsaw duels and using fallen locusts as meatshields.

At this point I can't say one game will be better than the other but I know both will be AAA and the race between the two is going to be extremely tight this round. Just do what I do and get both!

ToastyJaguar said:
For me it's Gears 2 because i own a 360.

I love the multiplayer and i'm intrigued with where the story is going, Gears 1 did just enough but there are so many questions that need answering.

Like what?


Resistance because of the online *
60 players max

FilaBrasileiro said:
ToastyJaguar said:
For me it's Gears 2 because i own a 360.

I love the multiplayer and i'm intrigued with where the story is going, Gears 1 did just enough but there are so many questions that need answering.

Like what?



Like where the Locust came from and why they are at war with the humans. The Queen says at the end of Gears 1 that the humans will soon know why "we" fight.

Marcus Phoenix's past and his relationship with his dad that got him in prison

Who is the Locust Queen.