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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the 360 reached it's limit?

The 360 is a very easy machine to develop for and as such once the learning curve has been faster in tapping its potential.GOW2 looks somewhat better that GoW but it is something marginal at best.I dont think we will see big leaps in 360 software from now on.There can be more development in NPCs ,IA etc and the CPU can help out with the graphics a bit but that will be it.Thats why the PS3 has more development potential because as Insomniac president said we could still see two huge leaps as the one from Resistance to Ratchet and Clank in two generation of games.Resistance 2 should be the first of those 3 generation games ,and after that it will still be possible to make another comparable jump.Having the Cell and BR allows the PS3 for big things in the future.

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MikeB said:
ToastyJaguar said:
GTAIV was lead on 360, and it was too hard to say which one looked "better". But the 360 version had a sharper resolution i think.


Yes development was lead on the 360, assets wise and tech wise it's a 360 orientated game. It's surprising the PS3 version looks better (better lighting and less aliasing issues). Assets wise its probably the same but for some reason close up images look much cleaner on the PS3, some at Beyond3D think it's a rendering bug, maybe it was done on purpose.

GTA IV is a big game and considering Rockstar's comment the assets have been sacrificed to fit on DVD, either the quality was downgraded or less divers content made it into the game. If the resolution differences are true the potentially lower quality graphics still resulted into the PS3 having the graphics edge.

However maybe on small SDTVs more pop-ins with the 360 version is probably the most noticeable difference.

GTAIV is a great game, but I hope a GTA V will be designed around Blu-Ray disc and development be lead on the PS3 and afterwards modified to suit the 360's specifications.

"GTAIV is a great game, but I hope a GTA V will be designed around Blu-Ray disc and development be lead on the PS3 and afterwards modified to suit the 360's specifications" GTAV will be on the next gen of consoles. It will either be multiplatform or exclusive, depending on whether or not all the consoles had launched at the time they make it. It WILL be multiplatform if it can, this generation will assure of that and as for the disk? Well it will be on a high capacity format in any case. GTAIV - XXX City and XXX City will be on this current generation of consoles. Hmm GTA IV Xbox360 vs PS3; Its Higher framerate, Higher resolution rendering, Lower quality textures with some screen tear and pop-in vs 15% lower framerate on average - Vsync - Lower resolution - higher quality textures and a "subjective quality 'brown filter effect'". Personally,I think it would have been easier to make the Xbox360 game look like the PS3 game than to make the PS3 game run as smoothly and at the same resolution of the Xbox360 game. Most of the subjective differences are just the "brown filter" - most people seem to like the effect. Also now Microsoft allows optional installs, the pop-in won't be an issue with future releases when comparing Pro to 40gb SKUs.


Besides ,there is no too much arguing about this.

Uncharted looks better that any 360 game.

Metal Gear Solid 4 looks better that any 360 game.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue looks better that any 360 game.

Ratchet and Clank looks better that any 360 game.

Games developed for Sony machine and without being dumbed down to fit on the 360 simply are superior.

Squilliam said:
starcraft said:
StarcraftManiac said:

People can say whatever they want but Gears 2 uses much more of the 360's power then Gears 1. You could argue that you think part 1 looks better, but that's just a matter of taste! textures- and polygonswise etc... The bar has been raised! Definitely!




Fixed, for those who don't understand authentic english.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@ Squilliam

It will either be multiplatform or exclusive, depending on whether or not all the consoles had launched at the time they make it

I think nomatter what console Microsoft might launch during the PS3 lifecycle, a PS3 (lead) version will be highly likely.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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360 is on a slippery slope downhill.

MikeB said:
@ Squilliam

It will either be multiplatform or exclusive, depending on whether or not all the consoles had launched at the time they make it

I think nomatter what console Microsoft might launch during the PS3 lifecycle, a PS3 (lead) version will be highly likely.

Why? It doesn't make much sense to make a this-gen version when the next-gen consoles are starting to come out!

The "10-year PS3 lifecycle" doesn't imply that the PS4 will come out in ~10 years... The people at Sony aren't crazy.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Diomedes1976 said:
Besides ,there is no too much arguing about this.

Uncharted looks better that any 360 game.

Metal Gear Solid 4 looks better that any 360 game.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue looks better that any 360 game.

Ratchet and Clank looks better that any 360 game.

Games developed for Sony machine and without being dumbed down to fit on the 360 simply are superior.


Heavenly Sword, Lair and Resistance 1 were also all developed exclusively for sony's machine. Except Heavenly Sword is all art-style, Lair has texture pop-in issues among other things (watch gametrailers review and the amazing missing landscape!) and Resistance wasn't ground breaking then (thanks to Gears) and it definitely isn't now. As for uncharted, it looks good and while the clothes being wet is nice, it is bland as hell otherwise, does naughty dog know what the middle ground between art style and graphical excellence is? It seems they can only do one (crash bandicoot = art style) or the other (uncharted = high tech graphics).

Anyway, I would say that it'll be a few more years before 360's hit it's graphical high point. It took PS2 and the xbox many years to get to that point, and to all those who say Gears is the high point, I say COD4. Also, if Gears 1 is the high point of the 360's graphical power, EVERYONE would be using the Unreal Engine and Epic would no longer make tweaks to it and leave it as it is. It's just common sense and good business people.

NJ5 said:
MikeB said:
@ Squilliam

It will either be multiplatform or exclusive, depending on whether or not all the consoles had launched at the time they make it

I think nomatter what console Microsoft might launch during the PS3 lifecycle, a PS3 (lead) version will be highly likely.

Why? It doesn't make much sense to make a this-gen version when the next-gen consoles are starting to come out!

The "10-year PS3 lifecycle" doesn't imply that the PS4 will come out in ~10 years... The people at Sony aren't crazy.



So? Even if so GTA V would not be the first game which would get released on 2 Playstation consoles simultaneously. The PS3 will have a much larger install base around the time a PS4 or the next XBox launches. The PS3 is quite a bit more powerful than the 360 and is better equipped for the future with a default easily upgradeable harddrive and Blu-Ray drive. It will take developers years to come near to the PS3's full potential, so enough time to finish all the GTA V's assets in mean time to build upon the massive technology gains made meanwhile.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Gears of War 2 will be the pinnacle of the 360 and its all downhill from there. In two years time it is expected the new XBox will arrive and the 360 would soon disappear.