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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales demo up on marketplace. 360 JRPG domination continues?

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ClaudeLv250 said:
Riachu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Riachu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Riachu said:

ToV having the best story in the series isn't too far fetch. It is suppose have the most mature story in the entire series.


I'll believe that when I see it, because so far I haven't.

It would be nice if they drop the prejudice themes for once, though.


Prejudice isn't considered mature? In real life, prejudice was a very serious problem 200 years ago and it some parts of the world, it still is.


No one said prejudice isn't considered mature. I'm just tired of it hijacking every Tales storyline.

Legendia was a lot better before that pigtails bitch kept walking around screaming "i h4t3 u orerisness u wer meen!11" No one cares and die in a fire, plz.


Shouldn't character interaction be a bigger concern than the actual story when it comes to JRPGs


I don't consider pigtails bitch coming in and screaming her prejudiced nonsense between major events character interaction.

Not really sure why you're trying so hard to justify it considering you said you never played a Tales game before.



Character interaction is how the main characters interact with each other.  I never played a tales game but from what I heard, character interaction is one of the series strengths.