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Forums - PC Discussion - Mass Effect Allows Only Three Installs on PC

ssj12 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
ion-storm said:

It's just like those anti-piracy adverts and unskippable menus you get when you actually buy a dvd. I bought the damn dvd, don't give me anti-piracy adverts you tools!!! Makes you want to download it instead even more.

"Piracy is wrong. If you pirated this, you could be enjoying the movie right now instead of watching this please don't pirate this movie you bought warning"


The pirates will still pirate this game like they would have done and it's the legitimate customers who will suffer. You seriously gotta wonder how the prople who think up this stuff still have a job.

"I have a great idea. Lets needlessly annoy everyone who actually bought the game and have no impact on piracy at all because those who pirate it will get a patched version"

"That's an amazing idea. You can become an executive in this company!"

Except it's an overexaggeration.

The average user won't give a sh*t.

I put in the DVD, installed it, and played.  No hassle.

I might get hassled if I try to install it on a bunch of different PCs, but who the hell does that anyway?  For the average user, this won't matter at all.



there are people who have HDD crashes and the OS dies. It has happened to me a dozen or so times.

Spore will be the same way too. I think even the creature creator has this crap.

The OS is not taken into account for activations, only hardware specifications. A small upgrade on the PC also most likely doesn't affect the activation (atleast according to Bioware).


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I'm so glad I didn't invest in a new gaming PC when Crysis came out lol.

Three installs for every computer you own. Damn that is a stupid limit. It should be unlimited installs. You bought the god damn game.

^^^ Correct. I won't purchase any PC game with this sort of restriction on it. Totally unwarranted IMO.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

I only need two, but I feel if I have to go through all this crap to get the game running I shouldn't need the disc to play. I hardly play Bioshock because I have to change the disc... I am lazy.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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You know what's even worse than these stupid protections? Gamers who defend them.

Sure, it could be worse. Sure, it's not going to affect everyone. Sure, there are ways to mitigate the problem. But all of those things don't solve the core problem that these protections create.

The more people accept this now, the worse protections will become in the future. Those companies are testing how far they can go, and they're trying to get us used to this.

I say screw them, this is one step too far for me.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Fucking pirates are ruining for everybody. Communist bastards.