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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 What a Game...

eNamrah said:
kn said:
eNamrah said:
smbu2000 said:
NG2 definitely kicks ass! I've been having a blast with it. It can be hard though. I've just started level 5 (warrior mode) and I've died like 20-30 times, haha. The tests of valor are pretty tough as well. I haven't had time to play the past few days as I was away from home/playing my new ds lite, hehe, so I haven't advanced yet.

The camera isn't too bad once you get used to it. I do occasionally use the centering camera, but adjusting the camera with the right stick is essential. I didn't have as much trouble with the camera with DMC4, but NG2 is a much better game than DMC4,IMO.

The only Test of Valor I had trouble with was 5 (on chapter 7). Having to fight 10+ (although not all at once) of those mecha soldiers while ninja's are shooting rockets at you = not fun. It's definitely the hardest one. Flying swallow FTW!

People that complain about the camera either: 1. haven't taken the time to master the camera's controls or 2. are too lazy to realize that you can change the camera height, etc. on the settings menu.


Changing the camera height isn't in the demo I downloaded. Are you saying this is in the full game? Would you please double check to be sure?




Just checked and apparently I was mistaken. I could've sworn it had the option, but it only has the options to change the 1st/3rd person camera's control (vertical/horizontal/inverted etc.) and speed (slow or fast). I hadn't played the game since June 14th, so I should've checked for sure before I posted. Sorry about that.


Thanks for double checking -- I appreciate it. I think I'll wait until this becomes a lower-priced game as I really am struggling to overcome my disenchantment with the camera. I love the game otherwise, but wonky cameras boil my blood and have since the very first 3D game I've ever played (SM64). I've gotten "lost" in a number of narrow hallways where the camera gets on the opposite side and I have to spin the camera around to get back in the action. Meanwhile, some bad guy is using my as a target dummy. I guess it gets better with practice but I would have preferred to not have to "get the hang" of the camera.


I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

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I'm now at chapter 7 and I think it's the best hack n slash game ever. They've corrected the horrible camera from NG black, it's not perfect, but I'm not bothered by it even once. Gameplay is deep and it's a difficult game, but also rewarding when you master it. Somehow, it remembers classic games in a good way and it's very far from casual games, so people who want easy rewards while mashing buttons randomly won't like it.

I beat it yesterday and im playing again.. and yes..
Dmc4 is slow and bored compared to this..

I see a lot of arguing going on in this thread. I'll say one thing: let us not forget that God of War 2 was a last gen game, so some of these comparisons are invalid.

ok I just played the demo for a while.... and honestly people saying there is a camera angle problem have a serious handicap... or are retarded... yeah I'm attacking... you have a problem deal with it.... I don't see how you can get a bad camera angle if you can control the camera yourself... it's even easier than in an FPS... you actually can see what's going on around you....

people are just getting too much use to have to smash buttons in a combination and that's it... play games from 10 or more years back and then we can talk about bad camera angles....

now about the graphics.. you do realize that it is a choice they made and every single DOA or representation of ryu has always been like that or close.... hell hentai 3D porn has the same kind of texture it's a pure artistic choice... you don't like well it's your problem..... I don't like what picaso is doing AT ALL but i'm not gonna say the guy doesn't know how to paint or is not good I just don't like it....

now the story I can't tell from what I have seen in the demo... but it already looks better than DMC.. I played DMC and the kiddy gay ass fake jap animation romantico drama in that game is irritating... like it was in enchanted arms and so many games that you call JRPG with an """"""amazing"""""" story (cf FF XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIII) are you kidding it might look good next to pokemon brain damage style..... but excuse me that is nothing close to what actually jap animation culture has to offer.... but hell people love it.. it's cool fashionable and shitty like everything the masses love.... it's simple you see a game from japan doing good in the rest of the world you basically know it's a bad game story wise.... like music, like fast food, like everything... that's why it's called mainstream isn't it....

now about GOW i don't know... it might be better or it might be worst... honestly I don't care I don't have a PS and will never have one even if MS and nintendo would stop doing consoles...

Sorry if I chocked or offended anyone... I'm just tired after a long day... and tired of people that think because it sells better because reviewer say something etc that defines the quality of something... let me tell you one thing it's the exact opposite in the majority of the cases.... work 2 month in any average advertising agency and you'll understand what I'm talking about.. the fact is we are all sheeps at some point weather you like it or not.... it's factual reality....

on that have a good week if I'm ban after that... i'd rather be baned and open the eyes of one person on earth than stay quiet...

*feeling way better all the sudden*

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I know I'm late to the party but after taking a month long vacation, I've finally got a chance to play my copy of NG2.

I just passed the 3rd valor test in the aqua level. The game feels alot of NG/B/S (which is a good thing) and the combat and difficulty (warrior) is just right. So far it's been pretty simple and I haven't felt like I've been cheezed by the AI. The point that you can cut off limbs is a great new feature and the new life bar function makes the game much easier. The new finishers are really nice and flashy but I find good ole instant UTs alot more efficient..... The only problems that I'm having with the game so far is this.

- I find my self fighting off the camera the majority of the time, especially during battles in enclosed areas or up against long range + close range enemies.

- The graphics (technical aspects) are really underwhelming. Bland textures (bad mapping), bad enemy models, screen tearing. There are times when enemy limbs or bloodstains float 1 foot above non flat objects.

- Load times and drops. These doesn't make the game unplayable (except for those parts where you happen to fight in between one scene area and another) but it makes me wonder why they exist being that the graphics are subpar.

Regardless of the negatives, when I'm in the middle of a battle, the graphics become irrelevant and I just deal with the camera positioning as best as I can. I kinda wish TeamNinja could have made the game look and run better, but I can see that they spent most their time on the depth of the weapons and combat. With that being said, I'm glad that i bought it instead of renting because it's going to take more than 2 playthroughs to try all the weapons out in their entirety.

Ninja Gaiden games are too hard for me.
God of War Series>>>>DMC series>>>>> Ninja Gaiden series.

I played NG2 and you need luck to pass the end bosses in that game. I gave up on the game could not pass Chapter 12, too many bosses to fight up against. The camera in the game was annoying and the graphics in the game were terrible.

Rock_on_2008 said:
Ninja Gaiden games are too hard for me.
God of War Series>>>>DMC series>>>>> Ninja Gaiden series.

I played NG2 and you need luck to pass the end bosses in that game. I gave up on the game could not pass Chapter 12, too many bosses to fight up against. The camera in the game was annoying and the graphics in the game were terrible.


 I think I used 5 health packs the whole game on Warrior difficulty... ^^ Luck??? LOL


Squilliam said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Ninja Gaiden games are too hard for me.
God of War Series>>>>DMC series>>>>> Ninja Gaiden series.

I played NG2 and you need luck to pass the end bosses in that game. I gave up on the game could not pass Chapter 12, too many bosses to fight up against. The camera in the game was annoying and the graphics in the game were terrible.


 I think I used 5 health packs the whole game on Warrior difficulty... ^^ Luck??? LOL

You must be good at that game. Its just a button masher pressing buttons really fast to execute combos. I could not even pass it on Acolyte, I gave up. Just got bored and returned the game within three days, lol.


Rock_on_2008 said:
Squilliam said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Ninja Gaiden games are too hard for me.
God of War Series>>>>DMC series>>>>> Ninja Gaiden series.

I played NG2 and you need luck to pass the end bosses in that game. I gave up on the game could not pass Chapter 12, too many bosses to fight up against. The camera in the game was annoying and the graphics in the game were terrible.


 I think I used 5 health packs the whole game on Warrior difficulty... ^^ Luck??? LOL

You must be good at that game. Its just a button masher pressing buttons really fast to execute combos. I could not even pass it on Acolyte, I gave up. Just got bored and returned the game within three days, lol.


Yup you need to get those combos out and block pretty much 100% of the time when you're not attacking. But hey tastes differ and I suck at FPS games so you'd probably frag me 20-3 if we played online.

