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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 What a Game...

I finished God Of War 2 on Sunday and it got me in the mood for Hack n Slash. So I bought NG2 yesterday. I cant believe how good this game is. It makes other games in the genre like DMC, HS and GOW seem kiddy and slow. The thing with NG2 that makes it so enjoyable is the pace, together with the feeling when your blade(or various other weapons) hits a character that it is going to damage. The finishing moves are brilliant to watch and it's rather tastefully done. It's such a big jump from playing GOW2 or DMC4 that I have lowered my feelings and rating towards those games.

I find it hard to believe that this game got so much stick for the camera. Yes it has some issues but sometimes you fight in such close quarters that I'm impressed with what they have achieved with the camera. Never once have I died as a result of the camera. I havent had this much fun with a videogame since the first Halo. So much so it's in my top 2 360 games. It makes you realise at a time when companies strive for movie like games, that you dont need a story to drive a good game.(some games do but this proves not all).

That said the cutscenes are great to watch and the entire game has a beatiful polish. God I hope the guy that made this(forgot his name, cant be bothered to look) joins M$ and makes a new IP in this genre. Because with M$ he would have unlimited funding.

 If you havent played this go try it. I guarentee you will have a smile on your face.


 Anyone else played it? What did you think.

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This game fucking rocks, but I do not care for the water controls.

Wow. Could you be more wrong?

The camera is furiously infuriating. And if you haven't died from it, consider yourself lucky. I'm always at the mercy of that son-of-a-bitch.

It's a good game, but me (and every reviewer) would still put the God of War series and DMC series above it.

I find that Ninja Gaiden 2 is a poor man's God of War, only with a worse camera angle, and crappy story, and god-awful graphics. I mean seriously Ryu has no texture on his suit. That annoys the hell out of men.

Anyhoo, yeah, NG2 is a good game, but not better than DMC or GoW

God of War >>>>> Devil May Cry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2.

^^LOL, GOW is like a retarded(slow) inbred nephew of NG.

Doesn't God Of War have a fixed camera? That's pretty crappy IMO, but if you prefer it, go ahead.

Also, God Of War is supposed to be much easier and slower than Ninja Gaiden, and focuses more on puzzles and stuff like that. They're both Hack'n'slash games, but quite different from each other.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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The camera isn't perfect but i havn't died from it because i always control the camera myself.

But yeah this game is awesome and i'm so happy with the health system now so i don't feel vulnerable against any enemy encounter like the first game.

NJ5 said:
Doesn't God Of War have a fixed camera? That's pretty crappy IMO, but if you prefer it, go ahead.

Also, God Of War is supposed to be much easier and slower than Ninja Gaiden, and focuses more on puzzles and stuff like that. They're both Hack'n'slash games, but quite different from each other.


Yeah, it has a fixed camera, but the camera is always in on the action, it's never too far away, and you're always able to see what you're doing and where you're going.

I'd much rather that then have a moving camera that does not show you where you're getting hit from, enemies behind you doing massive damage, etc.

DMeisterJ said:
NJ5 said:
Doesn't God Of War have a fixed camera? That's pretty crappy IMO, but if you prefer it, go ahead.

Also, God Of War is supposed to be much easier and slower than Ninja Gaiden, and focuses more on puzzles and stuff like that. They're both Hack'n'slash games, but quite different from each other.


Yeah, it has a fixed camera, but the camera is always in on the action, it's never too far away, and you're always able to see what you're doing and where you're going.

I'd much rather that then have a moving camera that does not show you where you're getting hit from, enemies behind you doing massive damage, etc.

I think you have to learn better how to position yourself in the field of battle, so that enemies can't easily sneak upon you. Controlling the camera by yourself is also possible and rewarding if you learn when to do it ;) It's a very fast game, and there's defintely a steep learning curve, but that's part of the gameplay IMO.

Also, do you use the right trigger for automatic camera repositioning? I don't, but many people seem to think it's useful for them.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

DMeisterJ you have an XBox Live id?

DMeisterJ said:
Wow. Could you be more wrong?

The camera is furiously infuriating. And if you haven't died from it, consider yourself lucky. I'm always at the mercy of that son-of-a-bitch.

It's a good game, but me (and every reviewer) would still put the God of War series and DMC series above it.

I find that Ninja Gaiden 2 is a poor man's God of War, only with a worse camera angle, and crappy story, and god-awful graphics. I mean seriously Ryu has no texture on his suit. That annoys the hell out of men.

Anyhoo, yeah, NG2 is a good game, but not better than DMC or GoW

God of War >>>>> Devil May Cry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2.
Wow. You are of course aloud your opinion. But the camera for me is always on the action in fights. Also The fight system in NG2 is so far ahead. The others actually feel boring in comparison. As my mate said watching me play "DMC4 now seems like it was on slowmo on the DVD player." NG2 is in my opinon leagues ahead of the others.