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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft wants to be first on the market with their next console

cleveland124 said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

Yeah, as I've said before, consoles do not have equivalent life cycles, and are not part of equivalent business plans from their respective companies, even if we talk of certain groups of consoles being in the same "generation" as one another. PS3 launched 1 year after 360 and will be selling for 6 years or more after 360 is gone (including after the release of PS4). The next Xbox will definitely be more powerful than PS3 obviously, and the PS4 will definitely be more powerful than that. We're headed for staggered HD releases next "gen."

I think we could see staggered releases next gen. But I don't know that it would be a good thing. Keeping the consoles together is good because, a. you know what your getting. If you spend 250-500 you know you are getting a console that will get great games for 5 years. Also, b. having competitors builds up the market. What I mean by this is, let's say for example that Sony and Nintendo really meant it when they said they would leave their consoles for 10 years. Microsoft comes out with the nextbox after 5. Their commercials will always compare the nextbox to the PS3, Wii, and even the 360. As such, it is basically a current gen console that released five years late. It's in peoples nature to compare.

I also think that if Nintendo and Sony wait two years after the launch of the next xbox, going first will be a bad thing. In two years there is significant hardware advances. There will be no doubt that the nextbox will be the least powerful. Additionally, the nextbox will not get any exclusives. The PS3 can do HD. So, if you are going to develop for the nextbox at a user base of <5Million, you certainly will port that game to the PS3 will a userbase of 40Million. So I think the two positives of being first out are taken away. Those are 1. confusion that you console is the most powerful. I mean the whole 360/PS3 arguments go on all the time. Same as the PS2 being more powerful than the gamecube arguments. And 2. A better selection of games that the new comers.

I also think if this is Microsofts master plan, they should just fold up the games division. This will garuantee that the 360 isn't profitable over the generation. That is two generations of losses.



I agree, and I think that if MS brings another console too early, the PS4 will absolutely break it when PS4 is released. 



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I believe Nintendo will release a major hardware revision only and will keep the Wii a little longer. PS3 doesn't need one. Their strategy is for a decade and that should work well. Hence, Microsoft probably already foresees that they will be thord this gen. If they releases their next console in 1 to 2 years from now a lot of XBOX 360 owners will be pissed.

Wii Code: 4819-7684-2396-4558

MS pretty much has to be first no matter what.

Nintendo is awash in money right now with the Wii. Unless the market collapses completely, which I doubt since they could halve the price tomorrow, they have no reason to rush a new console out.

Moreover, as we are seeing with the "360 Wiimote" rumors, the success of the Wii has convinced at least some people in MS that there is a new market that they can exploit. That will be very difficult to do with the current machine - they would need a new machine, dedicated from the start to use a Wiimote like device, in order to tap that market.

OTOH, Sony has a fortune invested in the PS3, and it simply cannot afford to abandon it (the way Sega did the Genesis and Saturn), especially with it's rising fortunes. I find it unlikely that we will see the PS4 before 2012.

In fact, the improvement in the PS3 sales may light a fire under MS's behind to declare victory while it still has a lead, and jump to a new console, I'm guessing in 2010. By that time they could produce a more powerful console for far less than the PS3 debuted at.

The one thing they must be careful of is not to rush to market. 4 years was simply too soon for the 360, and they have suffered for it. 2010 will make it 5 years, but perhaps 2011 will be better (and I suspect that will coincide with the launch of the Wii2).

Microsoft's strategy is pretty flawed. 

It's good idea to release a console maybe a year or so before the others where the extra amount of time the competition has to develop more won't make a big difference-(the graphical difference between the PS3 and the 360), but when you have two or three years between the two, there's a good chance technical differences will be very noticeable and hype by itself would be enough to overtake the console that is first to the market. Just look at the way the PS2 destroyed the Dreamcast. Then the Xbox came out a year after the PS2. While there was a technical difference, it wasn't big enough to stop the momentum. If Microsoft wants to be successful next generation releasing their console somewhere in 2010, they will not be able to use their traditional strategy of boosting the console's power. Sales will have to be fueled by an innovation, which isn't something they are synonymous with. Technology is moving faster and faster and I guarantee that if the PS4 is released in 2012 or 2013, the Next Xbox will get blown out of the water.

Tell someone that is playing MGS4 right now that they need to upgrade their console to the next gen and watch how they turn around and look at you weirdly :P

Before convincing people to move to next gen you got to show them next gen games...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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the 1 year head start has paid off for microsoft for sure. If it wasn't for that they wouldn't have stolen all those exclusives, the reason they were able to was because of the userbase they had got over the 1 year head start. The 360 is going to end up being a pretty big step in the right direction in all territories for microsoft, and consider that microsoft had to take huge losses to price xbox at $200 where it was somewhat competitive with the other systems. If they had sat at $300 they wouldn't have sold nearly as many systems.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

LongLiveTheBeatles said:

Microsoft's strategy is pretty flawed. 

It's good idea to release a console maybe a year or so before the others where the extra amount of time the competition has to develop more won't make a big difference-(the graphical difference between the PS3 and the 360), but when you have two or three years between the two, there's a good chance technical differences will be very noticeable and hype by itself would be enough to overtake the console that is first to the market. Just look at the way the PS2 destroyed the Dreamcast. Then the Xbox came out a year after the PS2. While there was a technical difference, it wasn't big enough to stop the momentum. If Microsoft wants to be successful next generation releasing their console somewhere in 2010, they will not be able to use their traditional strategy of boosting the console's power. Sales will have to be fueled by an innovation, which isn't something they are synonymous with. Technology is moving faster and faster and I guarantee that if the PS4 is released in 2012 or 2013, the Next Xbox will get blown out of the water.


Every generation the noticeable technical improvements made over a year get dramatically less impressive; even today there was a thread questioning whether Metal Gear Solid 4 was "Better Looking" than Crysis even though Crysis requires a graphics card dramatically more powerful (probably representitive of 2 years of console development) that the PS3's GPU to run it at high detail at HD resolutions at a decent framerate.

I believe we're soon going to hit a point where the only improvements are so subtile that they mostly go unnoticed by the vast majoity of gamers. Basically, consider what the PS3 and XBox 360 can produce visually at a resolution of 480p @24fps; this will probably be very similar in appearance to pre-rendered movies that are released on DVD. Within a couple of years we will be able to reach (roughly) the quality of pre-rendered movies in realtime and the only difference between a system and its competition released 3 years later will be a slight improvement in lighting and reflections.

akuma587 said:
Devs would hate it for sure. Budgets are already out of control.

I agree, I think this gen needs to last longer than the previous; costs are getting way to high and releasing a new box that will easily start off 400+ if not higher, is retarded from a buisness standpoint(consoles = no profit).

Ssyn said:
akuma587 said:
Devs would hate it for sure. Budgets are already out of control.

I agree, I think this gen needs to last longer than the previous; costs are getting way to high and releasing a new box that will easily start off 400+ if not higher, is retarded from a buisness standpoint(consoles = no profit).


Why would the console have to start off at $400 or higher? There is already hardware on the market which is dramatically more powerful than the PS3/XBox 360 and is fairly affordable; two years of cost reductions on this hardware would certainly make it very inexpensive.

Beyond that, I don't think that development budgets will really get much higher than what we're already seeing on the PS3/XBox 360. The cost with HD game development is primarily due to the cost of creating High quality 3D graphical assets (including modeling, texturing and animating); being that most of the techniques used in creating assets for pre-rendered movies are already being used in games, there is very little extra work that has to be added (using the same techniques and using higher-resolution models and textures does not tend to add too much in development time).