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Forums - Sales Discussion - A Fall from grace

Munkeh111 said:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well compared to last year the PS3 has been doing incredible.... and it is certainly doing quite well, even if not to wii or PS2 levels but outselling M$ 2:1 on average in Europe is certainly impressive. MGS 4 is what the fanboys have all been waiting for, and it has arrived and delivered

 monthly sales of PS3 now are not that different when compared to PS2 same time after release, if ps3 should track same as ps2 then the big sales boost should be starting in the 2nd half of this year.

wii is just selling a lot faster than everything before thats what makes ps3 sales look so bad.

xbox360 is tracking a lot lower than the others

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What, Microsoft's strategy was to come 3rd this gen?


quaiky said:
Munkeh111 said:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well compared to last year the PS3 has been doing incredible.... and it is certainly doing quite well, even if not to wii or PS2 levels but outselling M$ 2:1 on average in Europe is certainly impressive. MGS 4 is what the fanboys have all been waiting for, and it has arrived and delivered

 monthly sales of PS3 now are not that different when compared to PS2 same time after release, if ps3 should track same as ps2 then the big sales boost should be starting in the 2nd half of this year.

wii is just selling a lot faster than everything before thats what makes ps3 sales look so bad.®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=Wii®3=All&weeks=100

xbox360 is tracking a lot lower than the others®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&weeks=140


 Ps2's launch dates were staggered.

Ps3 will settle around 4 mil less than Ps2 after this year at the same point in time. (Then we'd have to re-evaluate after this year to see how it still holds up.)

Not as bad as some make the Ps3 to seem but still not as good as you are making it seem.

But 4 mil less is a shit load better than the 10 mil less 360 was at compared to Ps2.

Well, it's certainly not the year of the PS3 that is for sure. Anyhow, maybe 2009/2010 or by time this generation is over.

shams said:
Given how dominant Sony was last gen, and how late the PS3 came to the market - this reaction from Sony fans was sort of inevitable.

With the PS3 "slowing" building momentum, it seems likely that some day this generation the PS3 will dominate - its just hard to predict exactly when that is. Its quite excusable for people back in early '07 to think domination would occur early '08 - just as people are now predicting domination to occur sometime in '09.

Its pretty amusing watching the market work at the moment - Wii is obviously dominating, but instead of the 360 openly competing vrs the Wii - its primary role seems to be holding the PS3 back (taking exclusives, etc). I'm sure its all part of MS's big strategy...

I wouldn't say big strategy... but look at it this way.

The Wii is a callback to the earlier days of gaming. Not the earliest... because back then videogame consoles doubled as crappy computers and the like.

However back to the NES/SNES/PS1 days of "Gaming is meant to be fun, and do play games... and that's what a system does."

Do one thing and do it well is the motto of the Wii.

Versus the Multimedia devices that play games but do other things as well. The wii doesn't even play DVDs!

Microsoft would be more then happy for consoles to take this step "backwords" as it means if sony capitulates to it... no more videogame systems that act as the "hub of your living room" controlling everything in the way Sony wants it.

Insead Microsoft can do that... by making the idea of living room computers for mulimedia functions more acceptable.

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Well it seem PS3 in on track to outsell 360 by 200k this week and 150k next. Quickly the lead will remain just 5 million thanks to MGS4.

I know what he is saying. Once 2008 hit the PS3 was beating the 360 even in the americas most of the weeks.

Although I think that GT5 and MGS4 have really given the PS3 an edge lately.

For crying out loud! STOP calling people fanboys (in general) in the OP, it autmoatically doomes the thread. 1st line is even worse.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The goalposts have been moved again, now the year of the ps3 is 2009 - start spreading the word.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

wtf? me no understand, is he saying PS3 is doing badly?