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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can't MGS, FF, GT sell as much on PS3 as they did on PS2??

Gobias said:
Cremator said:
5 million LTD sales for MGS4 will be very disappointing considering GeOW already has 5.2mil and had a lower install base at the time of its release, had no bundle, is a new series and had not a lot of hype in comparison to MGS4.


Please, leave the internet forever.


Care to explain why it isn't disappointing considering the hype, bundle and cost to make the game??

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Cremator said:
Gobias said:
Cremator said:
5 million LTD sales for MGS4 will be very disappointing considering GeOW already has 5.2mil and had a lower install base at the time of its release, had no bundle, is a new series and had not a lot of hype in comparison to MGS4.


Please, leave the internet forever.

Care to explain why it isn't disappointing considering the hype, bundle and cost to make the game??

As in go buy us some coffee.

Gamer4eva said:
reptile168 said:
We're living in a different gaming generation.

Racing games sales have staggered in America. GT4 probably did half of what GT3 did with double the user base. GT5 prologue sort of failed in America. Other racing games didn't fare much better. Forza 2 and Motorstorm (and now GT5 prologue with the sixaxis) were bundled to get rid of the huge stock.

Today's most popular genre is first person shooter (and third person shooters), which none of the big 3 playstation franchise are. FF, GT, and MGS won't have as big of an impact as it had with the PS2. In Japan, people moved on to portables.


Yes that is why MGS4 sold near 500,000 units in one week in Japan and GT 5 Prolouge sold more than GT4 Prolouge. It doesnt matter if it was bundled, it still sold about 500,000 units more and the bundle is dead, not to mention, it is still selling.

Correction MGS4 sold 300,000.



First of all, the confusion over the term "casual" is because the word itself is an attempt to "niche-ize" certain games that are successful because they DON'T play to a niche.

Games like Cooking Mama, Imagine, or even Guitar Hero are called "casual" because they are short sessions games, but they play to highly specific audiences--niches.

But games like Brain Age, the Sims and Wii Sports don't play to any particular audience. Nintendo markets Brain Age to 30s-50s males (or their kids) with a Father's Day DS bundle, and then turns around and markets it to teens and 20s females with the "I Play for Me" campaign.

Second, install base is not a good reason for FF, GT or MGS to sell less on PS3. Beyond a point where the past sales only represent a 25 or 30% attach rate, it doesn't matter.

Ocarina was the best-selling Zelda.
Melee outsold SSB.
Mario Kart DS has blown by Mario Kart Advance with a still smaller install base.
Call of Duty 4 has crushed what COD3 did across way more platforms.

If the series can keep exciting people, it will sell into a smaller base very well.

The thing that makes the higher-selling systems sell so much in the first place is the huge variety of software, which will mean lower attach rates for individual games. When the variety of software disappears so do the hardware sales, but the top titles aren't directly hurt.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

selnor said:
Gamer4eva said:
reptile168 said:
We're living in a different gaming generation.

Racing games sales have staggered in America. GT4 probably did half of what GT3 did with double the user base. GT5 prologue sort of failed in America. Other racing games didn't fare much better. Forza 2 and Motorstorm (and now GT5 prologue with the sixaxis) were bundled to get rid of the huge stock.

Today's most popular genre is first person shooter (and third person shooters), which none of the big 3 playstation franchise are. FF, GT, and MGS won't have as big of an impact as it had with the PS2. In Japan, people moved on to portables.


Yes that is why MGS4 sold near 500,000 units in one week in Japan and GT 5 Prolouge sold more than GT4 Prolouge. It doesnt matter if it was bundled, it still sold about 500,000 units more and the bundle is dead, not to mention, it is still selling.

Correction MGS4 sold 460,000.





As in go buy us some coffee.