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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NEW Too Human Battlecries trailer

Squilliam said:
I think if this game is decent, they'll give it a very high 80's or a low 90's average because its new and its not the same shite over and over again, well compared to what has been released previously anyway. Also since its an exclusive it should get better treatment from the fanmags.

That last part doesn't feel that true anymore.  PS magazines have universally been giving PS3 exclusives 10/10 scores, but the Xbox mags seem to have been rather harsh lately...........

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
Squilliam said:
I think if this game is decent, they'll give it a very high 80's or a low 90's average because its new and its not the same shite over and over again, well compared to what has been released previously anyway. Also since its an exclusive it should get better treatment from the fanmags.

That last part doesn't feel that true anymore.  PS magazines have universally been giving PS3 exclusives 10/10 scores, but the Xbox mags seem to have been rather harsh lately...........

Well, I think they're waiting for E3 to hit, before they start really hyping the game. If MS bundles the game then it'll definately be a 90+ because they would have seen the quality before hand. This is the first real test of my "friend get friend theory" and it should be an excellent prelude to Fable 2. This game looks easy to play - it has a reasonably wide appeal because of the lore and genre and it has Coop - not local but online is still good. If this game does well, then we can expect Fable 2 - if its good to do even better. This game is the first shot at the WRPG userbase since Mass Effect and its going downstream to boot. The effects will be interesting to watch. What im really interested in, is the fact that if it and Fable 2 both get 90+ it will be a powerful triple in the WRPG genre that should help secure it indefinately. Mass Effect - Fable 2 - Too Human, if they each grab 90+ ratings it'll be powerful. It will be a powerful combination like Bioshock, Halo and Gears are to the shooter genre. A very compelling reason for any WRPG fan to own the console. In fact since that genre is more niche, it could even secure the whole genre for the entire generation of these consoles almost exclusively for the Xbox360. Edited paragraphs, but they don't work


Looks like a very neat game. Definately going to rent it...

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.