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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NEW Too Human Battlecries trailer

Well 360 is certainly the place to be for Hack n Slash. Devil May Cry 4, The best of all Ninja Gaiden 2 and hopefully this is a great game to.


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Whether or not this game will be good is one of the biggest ??? this year, as far as I´m concerned....there´s great talent behind it, but it´s had such a difficult and troubled development, that I wonder...

I think the game is gonna rock. Coop is gonna rock fuckin big time.

I will laught so much when reviewers will destroy this ininspired dream ...

I promise you to eat a BIG crow if the review put this game beyond 7.5%

(I ask nothig in echange)

Time to Work !

libellule said:
I will laught so much when reviewers will destroy this ininspired dream ...

I promise you to eat a BIG crow if the review put this game beyond 7.5%

(I ask nothig in echange)


This thread has been bookmarked for future purposes :)

08' Year End Predictions

Wii: 46 Million
Xbox 360:
26 Million

PS3: 22 Million

Sale Predictions:

Gears Of War 2 - 7 Million
Fable 2 - 3 Million
Left 4 Dead - 1.5 Million
Infinite Undiscovery - 700k
Tales Of Vesperia - 550k
The Last Remnant - 700k
Ninja Gaiden - 800k LTD [?] On its way.
Banjo-Kazooie N&B - 2 Million
Lost Odyssey - 500k LTD [X] surpassed
Too Human - 1.4 Million






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libellule said:
I will laught so much when reviewers will destroy this ininspired dream ...

I promise you to eat a BIG crow if the review put this game beyond 7.5%

(I ask nothig in echange)

Not sure what laughting is but it sounds dangerous, so be careful.  Plus I am not sure what ininspired means either.  Sounds metaphysical in nature.  Your pretty deep dude.


This game is starting to look REALLY good.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Im glad it has buffs and stuff, but its nothing new.

Anything >= 8.0 is OK for me

I think if this game is decent, they'll give it a very high 80's or a low 90's average because its new and its not the same shite over and over again, well compared to what has been released previously anyway. Also since its an exclusive it should get better treatment from the fanmags.
