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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 - New Footage

this game is going to be crazy, this fall 2008 gonna be crazy for games. While i was watching the third videos with the onslaught of the grims, i notice a comment:

"BCNbox said: guys sorry but... it sucks... sincerely..."
smell that, i smell a fanboy. Meh, typical twelve year old, but dam Socom confrotation and Resistance 2 are gonna be killer this fall, especially multiplayer

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Okay the multiplayer looks ridiculously fun and raucous, and the third video............that was a lot of bad guys, lol.

Jandre002 said:
Yeah Gears 2 is going to crush this game graphically. But gameplay wise Gears 2 looks like it will be the same thing as the first Gears. But well have to wait and see. At this point I think Gears 2 will be better. It is the Xbox360's best title after all(better than Halo). Maybe Gears 2 can save the Xbox from being completely smashed this winter in sales?


 i higly doubt it, i think that the ones buying gears if war will be mainly those who played the first one.

This game is going to sparkle. This is an early build - release is still five months off, but look carefully at the gunbarrel: notice how all the surfaces now have an iridescent sheen. Glorious texture work, and a taste of things to come. Notice also the physics engine: bodies have mass and momentum.

I like the running dudes. The guys in the first resistance were slow (you know the slaves of the aliens) and were only walking towards you. But these guys are quick.

Big improvement for me :D

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Around the Network

It looks ok, I'm still not convinced it will be as god as the first.


Kratos said:
I like the running dudes. The guys in the first resistance were slow (you know the slaves of the aliens) and were walking towards you, these guys are quick.

Big improvement for me :D


I'm scared to think of what they did with the leapers and rollers. :|

makingmusic476 said:
Kratos said:
I like the running dudes. The guys in the first resistance were slow (you know the slaves of the aliens) and were walking towards you, these guys are quick.

Big improvement for me :D


I'm scared to think of what they did with the leapers and rollers. :|


 They probably made them Harder, better, faster, stronger! Which is a great song as well :P

PSN ID: clemens-nl