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well, GTA4 got better reviews, but the (among PS3 fans) common tenor now is, that MGS4 is the better game .. I have played neither, but ofcourse I will buy MGS4 (after I have completed MGS3) and I'm not that interested in GTA4, but might pick it up, when I see it for a budget price.

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What's the point of this? It's like comparing Caddyshack to Deliverance.

They're both very good, very flawed games.

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theyre both excellent games, its so hard to pick a favourite

I haven't played MGS 4, so I'd be inclined to say MGS 4 (since GTA 4 was mediocre, and I imagine MGS 4 must be better).


The "experience" is undeniably better. GTA4 may be more bang for your buck.....lets just say this.....its like comparing No Country for Old Men to There Will Be Blood. Sure, There Will Be Blood is epic and close to three hours long....but No Country was regarded as a better film. 2 masterpieces.

Enjoy both, love both. MGS by a hair....well, a couple of hairs. its pretty damn amazing.

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steverhcp02 said:

The "experience" is undeniably better. GTA4 may be more bang for your buck.....lets just say this.....its like comparing No Country for Old Men to There Will Be Blood. Sure, There Will Be Blood is epic and close to three hours long....but No Country was regarded as a better film. 2 masterpieces.

Enjoy both, love both. MGS by a hair....well, a couple of hairs. its pretty damn amazing.

 No, it is in no way the same.  Those movies are in the same genre.  MGS4 and GTA4 are in totally different genres.  I never in my life have said, I like Ghostbusters more than I like Psycho.  If you want to do a comparison, pick MGS4 and Splinter Cell.  Of course though, thinking rationally seems to fly in the face of everyone's 2nd favorite game on this forum My Favorite Game is Better Than Your Favorite Game, or, my apple is better than your orange, my whiskey is better than your rum, etc.

I give that post a 9.2. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

soulsamurai said:
sieanr said:

- Open ended
- Superior story, especially in terms of how its told
- Replay value
- Worthwhile online experience
- Many, many different ways of tackling missions
- Variety


the only thing you have going for you on this is open ended.

The replay value on MGS4 is actually much more then GTA IV trust me i love both games to death and went to the midnight launch for both. MGS4 is definently better though. Online with MGS4 is the best online i have ever played, and there are millions of different endings and stuff to collect......there is a different ending based on wither or not you used a Dualshock 3 or a least a variation. As for ways of tackling missions. MGS4 beats GTAIV out of the water ever aspect. Do you do things complete stealth? do you gain the trust of one side  so they protect you? Do you go in FPS mode shooting anything and everything? Do you clear a way out with your MK II. As sad to say it theres more variety and ways to play MGS4 then GTAIV and GTA is a sandbox...

Also.....i have no clue where the hell you're going with story GTA can't compare to MGS....even in the way it's told i think MGS takes the cake.

That made my day

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Oh MGS4 deffo, you can not compare these games man i mean come on.

Anyway everyone was telling me i was crazzy when i said this game would outsell GTAIV on the ps3 and it is looking like my prediction is going my way.

Anyway GTAIV is more or less any other GTA with more eye candy. it is still a fun game though

sieanr said:
soulsamurai said:


the only thing you have going for you on this is open ended.

The replay value on MGS4 is actually much more then GTA IV trust me i love both games to death and went to the midnight launch for both. MGS4 is definently better though. Online with MGS4 is the best online i have ever played, and there are millions of different endings and stuff to collect......there is a different ending based on wither or not you used a Dualshock 3 or a least a variation. As for ways of tackling missions. MGS4 beats GTAIV out of the water ever aspect. Do you do things complete stealth? do you gain the trust of one side  so they protect you? Do you go in FPS mode shooting anything and everything? Do you clear a way out with your MK II. As sad to say it theres more variety and ways to play MGS4 then GTAIV and GTA is a sandbox...

Also.....i have no clue where the hell you're going with story GTA can't compare to MGS....even in the way it's told i think MGS takes the cake.

That made my day

LOL. I almost missed this post...

Anywho, both MGS4 and GTA4 cover a lot of the same ground. Neither should be considered a perfect game. And are completely different. As a technical achievement I'd say GTA4 takes the cake. As storytelling and presentation go...MGS4 is the most impressive game ever made.

I can't wait to see what Yatzee says about MGS4. 5 bucks says he will flip at cutscene to gamplay ratio...

sieanr said:
soulsamurai said:
sieanr said:

- Open ended
- Superior story, especially in terms of how its told
- Replay value
- Worthwhile online experience
- Many, many different ways of tackling missions
- Variety


the only thing you have going for you on this is open ended.

The replay value on MGS4 is actually much more then GTA IV trust me i love both games to death and went to the midnight launch for both. MGS4 is definently better though. Online with MGS4 is the best online i have ever played, and there are millions of different endings and stuff to collect......there is a different ending based on wither or not you used a Dualshock 3 or a least a variation. As for ways of tackling missions. MGS4 beats GTAIV out of the water ever aspect. Do you do things complete stealth? do you gain the trust of one side so they protect you? Do you go in FPS mode shooting anything and everything? Do you clear a way out with your MK II. As sad to say it theres more variety and ways to play MGS4 then GTAIV and GTA is a sandbox...

Also.....i have no clue where the hell you're going with story GTA can't compare to MGS....even in the way it's told i think MGS takes the cake.

That made my day

Hahahah, nice catch.

Ten bucks says the guy has never owned a gaming PC or Xbox. 

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