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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Too human- how much will it sell???

i think around 1 million - 1.5 million total



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wow have any of you seen the game it looks horrible. PS1 to Gamecube to 360. this game is gonna suck like freshly squeezed ass juice. 700k max


Beja - have you even seen new gameplay videos? The game looks great, despite its atrocious beginnings.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

If reviews are generally favourable and marketing is good, and the game is fun, deep and engrossing, it should do around 2m lifetime worldwide.

Enough to justify the second installment (which will in turn sell enough to justify the ending to the trilogy) being made, but nothing extraordinary.

Something tells me the game will be great, but won't sell what it deserves too.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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600k maximum. I have not heard much about it. Could be the XBox 360's Lair.

Rock_on_2008 said:
600k maximum. I have not heard much about it. Could be the XBox 360's Lair.

Doubt that for two reasons.

Too Human's recent hands-on sessions have gotten positive reviews, Lair's didn't.

Microsoft still mentions Too Human in their "what games we have coming spiels," wheras Sony stopped mentioning Lair in these spiels when they realized it sucked. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It will sell well. The general public doesn't know about the troubled history the game has had. Word of mouth could carry it to 1.5 mil.

2 million

So much of this game depends on marketing and review scores given its sordid history. I have no idea how it will do, nor does anyone else who hasn't played the game or taken a look at Microsoft's marketing strategy for the title.

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