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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 announcements have been leaked (Nintendo and Microsoft mostly)

That Tony Hawk game has to go to the Wii as well. Would be such a waste not to have it haha. Especially with Skate It.

But are these rumors are factual leaks?

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I bet it would sooooooo fun to have a racing game on 2 discs.

Well those with vids can't be fake haha. I mean no one goes through that kind of trouble to do that. And then to think they'd lie about the rest is silly. These are legit leaks unfortunately. Not surprising that MS would copy on all fronts by now. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But yea a decent portion of E3 ruined, and of course amazement that Tony Hawk game wouldn't go to Wii as well, especially given that setup. That's just stupid by Activision.

FOrza 3 on Two discs Is a FAIL


skeezer said:
FOrza 3 on Two discs Is a FAIL

No this is a fail:

That is just an inconveince.   

Around the Network

meh, this E3 dosent interest me as much as last year, unless Nintendo pulls something huge out of their asses I probably wont pay attention.

O-D-C said:
meh, this E3 dosent interest me as much as last year, unless Nintendo pulls something huge out of their asses I probably wont pay attention.

 They said they will, so I'm paying attention. 

Zucas said:
skeezer said:
FOrza 3 on Two discs Is a FAIL

No this is a fail:

That is just an inconveince.   

 I can beat that fail


Nah my fail is worse. At least his pain was worthwhile. My guy's fail just got raped haha.

Zucas said:
Nah my fail is worse. At least his pain was worthwhile. My guy's fail just got raped haha.

 Pain like that is NEVER worthwhile