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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next week, Microsoft's console dominance becomes a reality!

SpeedBreaker said:
that comment i made wasn't sarcasm, i doubt this will give MGS4 a run for its money.



Misunderstood the first post.

Misunderstood the post he's replying to.

Quality sonybot posters, only at vgchartzDOTcom!

Someone have mercy and explain him the joke, please.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Gearbox said:
the ps3 has won already

15 to 30 % of the sales we see for the xbox are from units given out due to the Red ring of death!


That would mean that the already amazing fucking attach ratio is even more fucking amazing.  I guess that makes sense because of all the awesome games.

Gearbox said:
the ps3 has won already

15 to 30 % of the sales we see for the xbox are from units given out due to the Red ring of death!


Another lame attempt by a SONY fanboy.

lol we should set up traps like that more often to ID them and blacklist them.....

starcraft said:
Spankey said:
this sucks - i've been waiting for this game forever and now it's on the 360 and not the PS3.
major fail, sony...way to go. dash my hopes, why don't you.
Boycott Sony time?



The only real solution (see sig)

Sony better listen up now and up their game or else troubled times are ahead.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Around the Network
rocketpig said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
starcraft said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Nothing but LOL at the usual trolls who didn't get the joke.
Haha. I know huh?


Srsly. If they banned people for stupidity like they do at neogaf the board would lose a good chunk of members.

My fingers would be nothing more than bloody stumps within minutes of that rule being put in place.


Admit it Rocket.  With this thread title, you came in thinking you were going to have to ban me


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

OMG!!!! i've been on the wrong side all along!!!! DAMN!!!! i knew i should have gone with the 360 this gen!!!

but all is not i have a reason to buy an xbox360. probably next year, after a couple o more price cuts.

You'll never believe this, but somebody came into the store today and traded in a whole bunch of used ps2 and ps3 games for a used 360 and a brand new copy of Deadliest Catch.

The also bought a used copy of CoD4 for 360 which made little sense, seeing as they already owned a ps3. Why wait so long, ya know?

360 is destined for last place in console generation wars.

makingmusic476 said:

You'll never believe this, but somebody came into the store today and traded in a whole bunch of used ps2 and ps3 games for a used 360 and a brand new copy of Deadliest Catch.

The also bought a used copy of CoD4 for 360 which made little sense, seeing as they already owned a ps3. Why wait so long, ya know?


does not surprise me in the least.

Deadliest Catch = MGS4 killer.


Proud Sony Rear Admiral