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Forums - General Discussion - "US al qaida free""iraq safer than detroit""terrorists want bearnaise sauce

brute said:
Cougarman said:
"by Ann Coulter" i stopped reading there

then you already read it all

 yeah the rest is just ilogical drivel by mad woman who needs to get laid

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Seriously, does this woman actually believe the rubbish she just wrote?

She basically treats it as if the Iraqis aren't really human and America is the only country in the world. What a sad and backward world view she has.

Rath said:
Seriously, does this woman actually believe the rubbish she just wrote?

She basically treats it as if the Iraqis aren't really human and America is the only country in the world. What a sad and backward world view she has.

 Well there are a lot of facts in there... just ones attributed to stuff for the wrong reasons.


Al Queda is on the brink of collapse, but that's because of an internal power struggle.  Besides which, Al Queda was on the bring of collapse right before 9/11.  The Bush doctrine and declaring random countries evil is what got it back on it's feat for a while.

Earlier she compares people shot vs deaths... and everyone in detroit vs only US troops... who are well highly armed.  I doubt many groups of people with automatic rifles and bullet proof vests are going to get fired at by people in detroit.


thats the biggest load of shi*t ive ever read in my life, and ive read alot of sh*t

This just in: Anne Coulter writes a crazy article and the liberals on the board are outraged by it.

Who didn't see that coming? Particularly on this board which is around 70-80% liberal.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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Oh btw, here is an excerpt from the forum rules:

Do not post only that Item A sucks, or that Item B is better than Item C. Give reasons why, post links to documented problems, of screenshots, or whatever you can. Similarly, do not reply to other posters with "you're wrong." Explain why you disagree, and perhaps point to the correct answer.



This should be interesting, I'm curious to see if anyone actually addresses it point by point or if all this disgust only goes as far as hurling insults.

PS - I don't agree with her on oh-so-many things, I just think you're being lazy if all you can do is post you hate something and nothing more.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I fail to see any connection between The World Trade Center bombings and the Iraq War. Is there something I'm missing here?

And how was invading Iraq protecting America? I fail to see any way in which Iraq posed a threat to America at all. Is there something I'm missing here?




I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo. 

damkira said:

The statement "Iraq is safer than Detroit," is complete nonsense. Do they have car bombs and IEDs in Detroit?


 Exactly what I was thinking, I've been to Detroit many many times and I haven't seen any bombs.

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supermario128 said:
damkira said:

The statement "Iraq is safer than Detroit," is complete nonsense. Do they have car bombs and IEDs in Detroit?


 Exactly what I was thinking, I've been to Detroit many many times and I haven't seen any bombs.

 I don't know the crime rates in Detroit but isn't it possible she also takes other things in consideration?  Rapes, Theft, Carjacking etc?