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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what game will challenge OoT for top spot?

I think Spore could do it.

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I think Disaster: Day of Crisis might do the trick.

Only a nintendo game can beat a nintendo game!

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Starcraft 2 or the next Legend of Zelda iteration...

GTAIV is the best game in history and it deserved to get better scores from Zelda...

Haze on the 360.

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Um i am not sure.... Thought GTAIV got close even thought IMO it didn't deserve over a 9 i am not sure anything will get what OoT got.... but maybe


but more review are added into there average score now. so it is unlikly that it will ever happen




Unless a game can be perfect, yet complex, Ocarina of Time cannot be beaten. A perfect game exists just in theory, just like time traveling or something. If a game can have unsurpassed visuals, the best audio, fresh but compelling gameplay, a play time or replay value that is exactly enough, then the game can be called perfect, and should(and will) get only 10/10's, simply because nothing can be done better. A game this good does not need hyping, but it needs something far harder to achieve: universal attractivity. Everyone has to love this game, more than any other game.
The only games that came close to this perfection were Super Mario Galaxy and Ocarina of Time, yet even those games were unpure, because they had massive hype and small flaws. This alowed 1UP for instance to give SMG an A instead of an A+ because it didn't have HD. The console has to be perfect as well to achive a perfect game.
Saying OoT was trying to be the perfect game is kind of wrong, because one of the main reasons OoT got such high grades was because of its revolutionairy gameplay, as in 3D was new in the genre. This brings us to the second option of a game being able to pass OoT: it has to be as revolutionairy as OoT, gameplay-complexity wise. But not a chance that's going to happen. Unless Sony can give us some REAL 4D gaming :P

In a nutshell: OoT is invincible.

EDIT: what the hell do people keep saying about Little Big Planet? Of course it's going to be super fun, and innovative as well, but it will be nothing close to OoT's revolution. Little Big Planet will be in the same niche as Patapon and LocoRoco, maybe a little bigger than that because of its hype. But it won't be big or perfect enough to defeat OoT.