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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do graphics matter?

my problem with your argument is simple

1. the ps3 and 360 have better graphics
2. you prefer the wii
3. graphics suddenly is not important.

however, i remember you jumping for joy to show us how good the Conduit looks.

Just put it this way, imagine you favorites games looking like crysis..... just imagine it.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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what matters most in games is not just graphics, nor music, nor gameplay, nor story

What matters the most is the "balance" in all these aspects. A game with a good balance is always better

When the balance breaks the game sucks --> Lair

I prefer the Wii, but I still think graphics are an important aspect of the game.

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psrock said:
my problem with your argument is simple

1. the ps3 and 360 have better graphics
2. you prefer the wii
3. graphics suddenly is not important.

however, i remember you jumping for joy to show us how good the Conduit looks.

Just put it this way, imagine you favorites games looking like crysis..... just imagine it.

 No I was happy the conduit had good graphics, because that meant that the developer was putting alot of work into a wii game. Also I said in the op that I like to see the advancements in the graphical area, but don't believe it should  be thought of as an aspect that is  really important to a game. 

I think it's clear where the dividing line is, other than fanboys who simply parrot what their console of choice dictates.

Some people care about immersion and story telling. For those goals, graphics are quite important (examples: Final Fantasy, Gears of War).

Some people care about gameplay so much more than anything else, that graphics are nearly irrelevant (examples: Tetris, Starcraft). 

It just depends on your personal preferences.">">

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the_bloodwalker said:
what matters most in games is not just graphics, nor music, nor gameplay, nor story

What matters the most is the "balance" in all these aspects. A game with a good balance is always better

When the balance breaks the game sucks --> Lair

what he said.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
sc94597 said:
Damstr8 said:
graphics are one of most important aspects of a game

for exampled condemned wouldnt be the game it is without the excellent lighting and graphics that create the realistic wouldnt be anywhere near as horrifying if it were on...say the ps2,why? simply because it wouldnt look anywhere as real as it does now.
as technology advances,video games get better. whether its the graphics or motion sensing,the main point is to immerse you into the game.
and to say graphics dont matter in games is just a stupid and ignorant statement

Actually alot of horror games benefit from bad graphics. Anyway I wasn't talking about if graphics matter or not I was talking about why having the best matters. Past the area where you get wowed by it I don't see a point.

 are you kidding?go back and play doom II...then play condemned me condemned is much more terrifying,and as far as having the best matters,it matters a lot more then you are constantly trying to get to new levels of "wow" the original gears of war was "wow" most games these days are on a similar graphical level...and im sure GT5 and FF13 when they come out will "wow".



Graphics alone aren't a game seller I think people would just watch HD movies or game trailers all day if they only cared about how a game looked.

Gameplay , Sound , Music , Storytelling , Art Direct , Depth etc are all neccasery components for a good game they all compliment each other.

Damstr8 said:
sc94597 said:
Damstr8 said:
graphics are one of most important aspects of a game

for exampled condemned wouldnt be the game it is without the excellent lighting and graphics that create the realistic wouldnt be anywhere near as horrifying if it were on...say the ps2,why? simply because it wouldnt look anywhere as real as it does now.
as technology advances,video games get better. whether its the graphics or motion sensing,the main point is to immerse you into the game.
and to say graphics dont matter in games is just a stupid and ignorant statement

Actually alot of horror games benefit from bad graphics. Anyway I wasn't talking about if graphics matter or not I was talking about why having the best matters. Past the area where you get wowed by it I don't see a point.

 are you kidding?go back and play doom II...then play condemned me condemned is much more terrifying,and as far as having the best matters,it matters a lot more then you are constantly trying to get to new levels of "wow" the original gears of war was "wow" most games these days are on a similar graphical level...and im sure GT5 and FF13 when they come out will "wow".

But how long will it take until you don't care anymore about the games visuals? For me about 5 minutes. And if you play a game like crysis, and know none of these games will beat it technically how could you say wow? A game could be beautiful without being the most technically advanced.


Graphics are IMO very important, good graphics (high quality art and good effects) and audio (high quality music and good sound effects) help to add greatly to the experience. Our eyes and ears are the most important sensory organs with which we experience games and movies.

Imagine an epic movie like Lord of the Rings in bad recording quality and black & white colors, bad special effects, bad audio quality, etc. this would dampen quite a bit of my enthusiasm for this movie.

Sure excellent gameplay/design + excellent story telling + mediocre graphics + mediocre sound > mediocre gameplay + mediodre story telling + excellent graphics + excellent sound

But excellent gameplay/design + excellent story telling + excellent graphics + excellent sound = IMO the far more excellent game!

Luckily the best games usually also get the proper treatment to push graphics and audio up there to match the gameplay/design and story.

I don't agree with some who seem to claim 3D graphics are superior to 2D graphics by default. A 3D or semi-3D approach usually allows for far more artistic freedom, but it still takes talent to really hit the nails.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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