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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what console has the best exclusives so far?

First party exclusives: Wii
Third party exclusives: PS3
best exclusives overall: Wii

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For me Nintendo always has the best, that's why I buy their consoles.

The DS baby, cause it got the hipp and shakin elite beat agents. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, no idea, no clue and I dont care.

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Lafiel said:
@ Squilliam )

thx, finally a post I can agree to

that whole "exclusives" discussion developed a strange momentum of it's own drifting further and further away from it's real objective - to distinguish the consoles from each other game wise and to decide which console has the most games available/comming (may they be "exclusive" or not), that fit ones taste


Thanks! I own all 3 platforms so soon I will be enjoying - Okami, Fire emblem, Resident Evil 4 umbrella for the Wii - MGS4 on the PS3 and Ninja gaiden 2 on the 360. For the PC I will be playing Civ IV and Devil may cry IV.

I cant stand cognitive dissonance, so I got them all.

Oh yea, the whole exclusive nonsense really got quite silly! Thanks for your vote of confidence, im sure im gonna have a few people breathing down my neck over this!


i have to be honest, i could care less how brute stated it, exclusives or not, The 360 hands down has the best game library. And, its not just about shooters either, it's diverse as well.
the wii has the best first party games and the ps3 is slowing catching up.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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2.XBOX 360
3. PS3

Next Year

3.XBOX 360

Year after

3.XBOX 360

Assuming Sony's development resources start pumping out the games they have been developing for X number of years.

Xponent said:
If were talking exclusives, the Wii without a doubt. A lot of the better HD games IMO are either multiplatform, or available on PC.

Whats wrong with them being multiplatform? If they're exclusive from one but not others you're considering, then you obviously have to consider them, because theres still that word "exclusive" popping in.


If exclusive to PS3/3360 but not wii counts as exclusive then I think the HD consoles have always had the better games , for my tastes anyway.

Million said:
2.XBOX 360
3. PS3

Next Year

3.XBOX 360

Year after

3.XBOX 360

Assuming Sony's development resources start pumping out the games they have been developing for X number of years.

Hmm, subjective.

Objectivism and fanboyism is generally mutually exclusive. (not that im calling you one)



Squilliam said:
Xponent said:
If were talking exclusives, the Wii without a doubt. A lot of the better HD games IMO are either multiplatform, or available on PC.

Whats wrong with them being multiplatform? If they're exclusive from one but not others you're considering, then you obviously have to consider them, because theres still that word "exclusive" popping in.

Exclusive means it can only be played with ONE console, and nowhere else. If the game is released in any other platform or handheld or whatever it's not exclusive. Exclusive is something that is only available to play on a platform

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