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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what console has the best exclusives so far?

Metroid Prime Corruption, Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxt beats everything

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the problem is, that there are many high profile games, which just don't release on the Wii, so in a comparison HD console vs WII in my humble opinion it's perfectly justified to name these

melbye said:
Metroid Prime Corruption, Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxt beats everythin


How is this exclusive? :P


It depends, I think the best statement is - The Xbox360 has the most great games available to it. Forget strict exclusives for a second. If you had to have just one platform - Xbox360 is it.

HD exclusives, PC/360 exclusives, and 360 only exclusives all add together to make the premiere single platform for AAA games. The typical person does not have more than one platform to play games on so for most people who aren't automatic Wii owners, the 360 is the best one to have.


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Squilliam said:
It depends, I think the best statement is - The Xbox360 has the most great games available to it. Forget strict exclusives for a second. If you had to have just one platform - Xbox360 is it.

HD exclusives, PC/360 exclusives, and 360 only exclusives all add together to make the premiere single platform for AAA games. The typical person does not have more than one platform to play games on so for most people who aren't automatic Wii owners, the 360 is the best one to have.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

People needing glasses or reading lessons... EXCLUSIVES mean only released for ONE console.

So far the Wii has the most and best.

And since when is "HD" a console?? I better buy an "HD", are they from Toshiba or what company?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

I would put it something like this:

if you disregard the PC, then either the 360 or Wii
if you count the PC (bioshock, mass effect etc not exclusive), then clearly the Wii
however, the Wii loses quite a bit with multiplats, so the situation is pretty near even

Kurakasa said:
melbye said:
Metroid Prime Corruption, Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxt beats everythin


How is this exclusive? :P


 Oh damn, I forgot about that.  Hm, with MGS4 that certainly puts the ps3 on equal footing with the Wii.  While MGS4 is truly amazing, MKWii is just so damn addicting...

trestres said:
People needing glasses or reading lessons... EXCLUSIVES mean only released for ONE console.

So far the Wii has the most and best.

And since when is "HD" a console?? I better buy an "HD", are they from Toshiba or what company?

 Propably wii has the most, due to all the crap which no-one would buy on hd-consoles. Not sure about that though. But the best? What exclusives are you talking about? SMG,MP3,Zack&wiki?