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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Fable 2 Screens. One sexy looking game.

i hate stills. they never tell the fll story of how the game really looks. it's better to see the game in motion. uncharted looks soooooooooo much better in motion. halo 3 looks like halo 2 when still. but in motion tells a different story.

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nice graphics just hope the gameplay is not as boring as the first one. I wish there where more fantasy games, but with a bright atmosphere because most are too dark for my taste

obieslut said:
I am sorry but you lot are seriously looking at them pics with you fanboy eyes. wink

I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all.

I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks

Have you watched the gameplay video I linked too?

The environments in Fable 2 smack Uncharted.

In motion, the character models in Fable 2 actually look awesome.  Completely different art style to Uncharted though.

One thing I love about Fable is the awesome building designs. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Im so pumped. This game looks awesome. Fable was a highly enjoyable game if you went into to it without believing the hype. My main complaint was that it was basically a walled linear game. If its more open like say Oblivion (whist not becoming lifeless and boring at the same time) this game will turn out to be epic. It will easily outsell oblivion on the 360 (fable was one of the xbox's most successful games last gen).

starcraft said:
obieslut said:
I am sorry but you lot are seriously looking at them pics with you fanboy eyes. wink

I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all.

I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks

Have you watched the gameplay video I linked too?

The environments in Fable 2 smack Uncharted.

In motion, the character models in Fable 2 actually look awesome. Completely different art style to Uncharted though.

One thing I love about Fable is the awesome building designs.


You seriously can't admit one fault about this game, can you?

The graphics are not its strong point, every aspect of Uncharted's graphics destroys this game, if you want to put Uncharted's graphics down, pick a comparable game next time. Uncharted is in a completely different league.

There are games on the 360 with WAY better graphics than Fable 2, so please don't try to it compare to some of the best graphics on the PS3.

As in go buy us some coffee.

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Uncharted is a small game in comparison. Its easy to make a small area really highly detailed.

starcraft said:
obieslut said:
I am sorry but you lot are seriously looking at them pics with you fanboy eyes. wink

I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all.

I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks

Have you watched the gameplay video I linked too?

The environments in Fable 2 smack Uncharted.

In motion, the character models in Fable 2 actually look awesome. Completely different art style to Uncharted though.

One thing I love about Fable is the awesome building designs.


 True the game does look alot better in motion, but so does uncharted

FaRmLaNd said:
Uncharted is a small game in comparison. Its easy to make a small area really highly detailed.

 I agree completely, which is why I don't understand why starcraft is comparing Uncharted and Fable 2, there is no comparison whatsoever.

As in go buy us some coffee.

Gobias said:
starcraft said:
obieslut said:
I am sorry but you lot are seriously looking at them pics with you fanboy eyes. wink

I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all.

I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks

Have you watched the gameplay video I linked too?

The environments in Fable 2 smack Uncharted.

In motion, the character models in Fable 2 actually look awesome. Completely different art style to Uncharted though.

One thing I love about Fable is the awesome building designs.


You seriously can't admit one fault about this game, can you?

The graphics are not its strong point, every aspect of Uncharted's graphics destroys this game, if you want to put Uncharted's graphics down, pick a comparable game next time. Uncharted is in a completely different league.

There are games on the 360 with WAY better graphics than Fable 2, so please don't try to it compare to some of the best graphics on the PS3.

Tell me how the gameplay video I linked to ended?

I ask because I don't believe you watched it. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

i don't care which game looks better but as you can see from the screens, Fable 2 looks very good no matter which game you compare it to.

GDC got me very excited about this game, the demo was absolutely superb and Molyneux put on a good show for the crowd.

co-op is the most interesting feature to me as its drop in/drop out which is going to be awesome.