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Forums - Gaming Discussion - do you think wii will ever get a 10 at IGN?

who cares of the score of 1 journalist from 1 site ???

it is IGN
but it is ONLY IGN

they mean nothing by themselves (in a way)

Time to Work !

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sc94597 said:
Slimebeast said:
The next Zelda. Launch in 2010, IGN score 10/10, selling 10 million copies.

 The developement costs 10 million dollars. Release date October 10th. 

Has 10 times 10K seconds of gameplay for hardcores, features 10 items, causes an online petition that 10K people sign. Is the 10th Zelda on consoles (including Link's Crossbow). Causes 10 Zelda rip-offs. Becomes the 10*10 million selling game on Wii. Has 10 side-missions that combined feature 10 hours of gameplay. Features 10 important characters. Is the 10th game to get 10/10 on IGN.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

De Blob will get a 10.