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Forums - PC Discussion - Help with pc.

I posted this in the pc help thread, but that thread seems to be dead. I think it has something to do with the drivers. My reader doesn't have a brand though so I wouldn't be able to find them.

Around the Network

Tried formatting the sd card?

Go to device manager and select the device - Right click then go update driver. Tell the system to look online.

That hopefully should fix it.


Squilliam said:

Go to device manager and select the device - Right click then go update driver. Tell the system to look online.

That hopefully should fix it.

 I did that earlier but it couldnt find any. Now when I go there it isn't listed. Portable device isn't their either. The weird thing is when I plug it in, it says device is ready to be used. Then I go to my computer and it isn't listed. It's not listed in disk management either.

Galaki said:
Tried formatting the sd card?

 The adapter should still show up.

Around the Network

I think I found the drivers. They might be called MTP Device, but they won't install correctly.

Try auto update on the MTP drivers, or google them.


I tried auto update and I get this "this device isn't working properly because windows can't load the drivers for this device(code 31)" I then googled this and got nothing related to my problem.

Do you have a driver cd for the device? Motherboard/Case/System driver cd?


It's just a usb micro sd adapter, but I do have a drivers for the system driver cd. I don't think anything is on it for portable devices though.