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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Final Fantasy is the most IMPORTANT?

Partly inspired by the "which final fantasy is the best?" thread and also because I'm watching the FF retrospective on GT again.

Basically, we all have a favourite Final Fantasy game, but which one is the most important in series? which one got it to the JRPG giant we see it as today?

Not just talking about which FF game put the FF series on the map or which one has the most graphical polish, but which one was so crucial that the entire Final Fantasy series could have been vastly different had it not existed?

On top of that, which one was the most important to the gaming industry? in terms of what other games have copied from it and the standards it may have set for the industry.

You can take the question anyway you like, and nearly all FF's have a legitimate claim to the title of most important:


FF1 - The game that started it all, it's most obvious claim to the title is that it started the series, but starting a series may not necessarily mean it is the most important because SMB on the NES started the franchise, but Super Mario 64 is arguable the most important.

FF4 - Introduced the active time battle system

FF6 - The culmination of everything Square had learnt over 6 games into one masterpiece, advanced the series story telling and character importance substantially. Also had the first voiced character (Kefka's cackle)

FF7 - The game that put the FF series on the map.

FFX - Introduced full voice-acting to the series. Brought it to the then next generation and introduced a new battle system.

I could list a reason for all FF's, but that'd be too long.

So basically, list which game you think is the most important Final Fantasy and the reason why. Also let's try and keep the "it's because I like it the best" reasoning out of this thread. 

If this thread is a success, I'll open up more "most important" threads for other franchises in the industry. If this thread is a failure, I'll just go back to being a poster and not a creator. 

Reluctantly, I'm going to pick FF7. It's far from the best game in the franchise, but without it, alot of people would not have taken the time to go back and play the previous 6 games (or taken notice to future installments) and we would not have the Final Fantasy we see it as today. 

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Obviously the first game deserves credit for its having saved Square from bankruptcy. In terms of raw sales, Final Fantasy VII was the most significant game. In terms of sheer progress over past installments, Final Fantasy VI takes the crown (and could have been the success that FF7 ended up being if only the game had gotten the kind of marketing and hype that FF7 did, as well as an actual worldwide release instead of a US/Japan-only release). In terms of modernizing the series, Final Fantasy X took the largest leap of any FF, even bigger than the jump to 2D/3D hybrid visuals seen in the PS1 FF games.

All of these are significant hallmarks in the series, and I don't personally feel that any of them are necessarily bigger than any of the others. Each, at the time of their release, was a game that gave the series an appreciated new direction.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

FFVII - As you suggest, it put FF on the map, particularly, outside of NA and Japan. Furthermore, the switch of support from Nintendo to Sony was a significant factor for the eventual outcome of that generation.

FFVII =>....It was the game that introduced ithe mass to the RPG genre.

It didn't only put the FF series on the map....Many of RPG fans probably never would have tried a other RPG if that game wasn't released like pokemon and KH later..

FFIV is the start of the Final Fantasy identity in terms of story and gameplay.

FFVI is the epitome of the series. It is like the central hub, containing elements from all other FF's in one game. It is the standard bearer for the series trends in art and graphics (some of the best when it came out, establishing Square as a top technical developer), music, cast of characters, facile presentation, scope, scenario, etc.

 I think JRPGs would have been put on the map sooner or later. If there is any merit and potential to the genre than it wouldn't have remained unnoticed. 

It's more a matter of which Final Fantasy is more important to the series itself, not the genre as a whole

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FFVII was the most important game for the series EASILY. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, it took the series from 'solid' to 'monster.'

As far as importance to gaming goes, FFXIII is the most important. It will decide whether Japan decides to support two home consoles this generation and into the future.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

konnichiwa said:
FFVII =>....It was the game that introduced ithe mass to the RPG genre.

It didn't only put the FF series on the map....Many of RPG fans probably never would have tried a other RPG if that game wasn't released like pokemon and KH later..

^^ I can attest to this.After i played FF7,i was an rpg fanatic.

I was gonna say 6, but probably 7 because it utilized the cream of the other series to mold a pretty damn good game, at least imo.

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i will have to agree with the majority here, FF7 is the most important rpg ever it created millions of fans.

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Final Fantasy VII did not put the series on the map. The original did. FFVII only made it "cool", which is an intensely different thing.

The most important Final Fantasy in terms of concept is the original.

In terms of mechanics it would be Final Fantasy IV, for the introduction of the ATB system.

In terms of characterization it's VI, easily.

In terms of storytelling it's XII.

I can't think of a criteria under which VII would be the most important.